Report to Hikers: week of April 10-April 16


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday April 12

Black Diamond Trail north from Cass ParkI was reluctant to schedule a hike on this new trail, which opened with some fanfare in January after years in the works  —  I thought it would be too tame for our group

But Tiger was eager to try it out  —  I wondered if anyone else would be interested, and I was surprised to see a big turnout at the parking lot

(Want to see what Norm was photographing?)

I thought I’d never been to this spot but as soon as we got on the trail and I saw the line of huge power line poles, I realized I’d walked here a little bit many years before

I tried to enjoy the new trail but I couldn’t shake off the looming presence of the huge poles  —  complete turn-off  —  Tiger told me after the walk that she hadn’t minded the poles at all

It takes 35 minutes of walking to get beyond the power line  —  the whole mood changes at that point and the trail becomes quite pleasant

There are a number of small gorges and creeks along the way, none particularly impressive, but nice

If I had to resume working I wouldn’t mind this job, cruising around on this cute little cart and chatting up the ladies.

The only good thing I can find to say about the power line poles is that they make a dramatic gateway to the attractive part of this trail.  If you want to try this walk, start further out of town and avoid the beginning.

Official head count:  27H, six D

More photos:


Jack V


Saturday April 15

Roy H Park Preserve into Hammond Hill SF, Dryden

I can never resist trying a group shot on this trail.  Not everyone shown

Official head count:  20H, three D

More photos:


Jack V

Mysterious animal sighting:

After we got home from the hike, I got this e-mail from Annie:

Hi! I had an interesting adventure this morning at the tail end of the hike that I thought you’d be interested in.

As usual, I found myself at the end of the group, taking photos. I eventually caught up to Brenda and Eckhart and their dogs, but they were slowed down by over enthusiastic pups racing after each other so I decided to pass them so my sister (always with the head of the pack) wouldn’t worry about where I was.

Eventually I was walking solo when, suddenly ahead of me, I saw a large, dark brown furry mammal leap across the trail and bound into the woods. It was too fast for me to get my camera in place but I’m sure it was a bear. My first thought was that I was glad the three dogs were not there and my second thought was that I didn’t want to be alone! I continued to walk slowly enough for Brenda and Eckhart to catch up and hear my tale.

Margaret was worried about me and called to find out how I was doing and was pretty astounded to hear the story. I regret that I didn’t capture this with my camera but I don’t regret not being a hungry bear’s breakfast!

Then, later in the afternoon, I got this e-mail from Bad Dennis:

Saw this on way back from “Park’s Preserve” walk:

Fisher cat.   It was cautious of me but not fearful–about 50 yards away down hill to side from me.


Sunday April 16

Bald Hill Road to The Pinnacles, Danby SF

First insects of the year    —  very annoying gnats

This delightful view will soon be blocked by leaves until fall

Another obligatory group shot location  —  again, not everyone shown

Official head count:  21H, eight D

More photos:


Jack V

Get-together right afterwards at Hobit’s

It was warm bordering on hot in the last stretch of our walk, but it was breezy and very pleasant at Hobit’s  —  nice lazy vibe

Some of the people who hiked skipped the get-together, but other people who hadn’t hiked showed up and we had about the same size turn-out (I didn’t do an official head count)

I was happy to catch up with Hobit’s 16-year-old son Jake  —  maybe you remember he’s into tumbling   —  this time I used the burst mode on my camera in hopes I could follow his trajectory on a running leap and flip

Jake’s been growing but he can still pull this flying-through-the-air trick off nicely  —  you can see from his shadow on the grass that he’s a bit close to the ground throughout

Report to Hikers: week of April 3-April 9


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday April 5

Road walk  —  Newtown Road and Halpin Road, Odessa

This was our third exploratory walk in the hills between Cayuta Lake and Texas Hollow in Schuyler County.  As usual, I picked out the route not by checking it out beforehand but solely by studying the map.

I look for several things to make a country road walk successful  —  sweeping views, rolling terrain and bucolic rural scenery.  At first this walk didn’t have any of these  —  it was nice enough but a bit pedestrian  —  I wondered if I’d messed up this time ….

Then the terrain started to fall away and we saw some horse and cows ….  they began to run along down the road with us behind their electric fence …

It got very amusing as the herd kept up with us for maybe a half mile  —  meanwhile the scenery opened up more and more into a gorgeous valley

The animals seemed to enjoy us as much as we did them  —  I doubt they get many groups of walkers to look at

We turned up a dirt road that looked like a driveway  —  it kept going deeper and deeper into the woods and we turned around after a half-hour of walking on it wondering where it actually went to

So many wonderful animals to look at this time  —  there was a background smell of manure in the air but it was mixed with the sweet smell of hay so it wasn’t bad at all

Two policemen stopped us (a first), this sheriff’s deputy and an off-duty state highway patrolman in his personal car  —  both warned us walking on Newtown Road could be dangerous because drivers routinely go very fast, and there’s no visibility at several spots where you drive up to the crest of a hill and you couldn’t see if there were people in the road right over the crest

I know some of our hikers don’t like these farm-type road walks in principle  —  they only want to walk in the woods  —  I can understand that feeling, but I’m going to keep scheduling these rural road walks anyway  —  they provide a lot of variety and novelty to our roster of walks  —  it’s much easier to look around and talk on them  —  in the woods we’re often forced into a single-file line, and you often have to pay really close attention to the trail because of roots and rocks and uneven surface  —  the farm walks give a sense of openness and wide open horizons we almost never can find in the woods  —  and I love beautiful pastoral scenes with fields and farms and patches of woods

Official head count:  18H, five D

You can see Jack V’s photos here


Saturday April 8

Road walk:  Marsh, Hornbrook and Durfee Hill Road, Danby

Beautiful sunny morning after two days of rain  —  but we shaped up at the edge of a big field on a hillside and there was a fierce cold wind really blasting us when we got out of the cars

We headed out at high speed to try and warm up  —  the wind kept blowing strongly at our backs for quite a while and I was thinking, This could be horrible on the way back  —  luckily, the wind calmed down after a while and it was very pleasant out then

There was some very nice farmhouse scenery, but for much of the way, any farming activity was in the past  —  we saw lots of tasteful new houses on large lots tucked discreetly in the woods

Official head count:  15H, five D

You can see Annie’s photos here


Sunday April 9

Taughannock Falls SP

Finally, a gorgeous mild morning  —  the gorge trail and the look-out and the parking lots were more crowded than we’ve ever seen on one of our hikes here  —  felt a little like being in Central Park on a beautiful day

KathArine and KathErine  —  I don’t think many common names have more variants  —  CathArine, CathErine  —  anyway, I like the pattern made by the shadows on the pavement

The creek was really roaring from all the rain, and there was fresh erosion along the gorge trail.

And for those who gripe that I never use photos of myself in these hike reports  —  Randy said he liked the effect of my shades, so he took this shot with my camera

Official head count:  30H, nine D

More photos:


Jack V

Report to Hikers: week of March 27-April 2


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday March 29

Monkey Run Natural Area, south side of Fall Creek – Varna

Five Susans!

Official head count:  25H, five D


Saturday April 1

Michigan Hollow Road to Hill Road on the FLT, Danby SF

Another pretty unappetizing day for a hike  —  we had a cold drizzle the whole time, though the two hourly forecast sites I checked ahead of time both said there was no chance of rain at all

On the other hand, it was tremendously atmospheric, with fog and mist and a great gloomy lighting, so it was really fun to be out

As I hoped, there was very little mud  —  no way to know if it was because the trail was so steep  —  but there was a good deal of standing water in the first part of the walk, and then on Hill Road

The group was quite small at the official start time but a number of people trickled in late and caught up with us, and we ended up as a normal-sized hike.  That’s Randy in front  —  just back from 2 1/2 months at his second home in Southern California, where he did a lot of hiking

We almost never encounter ATVs  —  I like the novelty

I hadn’t worn a rain jacket and my coat was soaked when we got back to the cars  —  but it’s synthetic and it really was still warm even when wet, as advertised

Official head count:  18H, five D

You can see Jack V’s photos here


Sunday April 2

Robert Treman SP on the FLT

The parking lot was congested like I’d never seen before  —  a number of big pickups parked there when we arrived  —  then I remembered …  day no. 2 of trout season

A partial group shot …. more than half the group not shown  —  they’d already fallen behind on the first steep uphills

Almost no mud or standing water

Official head count:  31H, seven D

More photos:


Jack V

Report to Hikers: week of March 20-March 26


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday March 22

Road walk  —  Fischer Settlement Road south, Danby SF

Seems like we’ve had an unusually large number of bad-weather mornings this year on the days when we’re scheduled to hike  —  this one was especially nasty  —  low teens, wind blowing hard and snowing fiercely as we drove down 96B on the way to the trail head  —  I took this photo out the car window as we sped along  —  not a whiteout but felt like it was verging on one

Felt a bit grim at the trail head too as we first got out of the car.

But as usual, we all soon perked up

Two hikers arrived too late to be in the official group shot

It kept snowing for most of the walk but the trees were blocking most of the wind.  Near the end, the sun came out for a while  —  really beautiful

Official head count:  10H, three D

You can see Annie’s photos here


Saturday March 25

Road walk  —  Brown Road and Bruce Hill Road, West Danby

This was a new walk for pretty much all of us, and I was very curious about what we’d see

For the first 10 minutes or so it felt like a slightly downscale suburb, and there was some grumbling  —  then we came to a number of very upscale houses  —  then it turned quite countryish

By this time the walk had become extremely satisfying

It was an extremely dark day, with a dull grey sky and mist hanging on all the hills

This was the start of Bruce Hill Road, which climbs steeply from the inlet valley along 34-96 up to the top of the Danby hills

It got very strenuous immediately but our guys just blasted up the hill

It had been raining before the hike and there was rain in the area and the scenery was tremendously atmospheric

We passed a number of really interesting houses and barns  —  spoke to several people outside their homes, who said they’d never seen a big group of walkers on their street before.

Got some raindrops on the windshield on the drive home  —  soon, it began to rain and it rained steadily for a few hours in Fall Creek  —  we lucked out once again

Official head count:  18H, five D

More photos:


Jack V


Sunday March 26

Road walk  —  Woodard Road to Burge Hill Road, Enfield and Newfield

Talking about bad weather when it’s time to hike …. it was raining at 9 am at four of the five official rainfall loggers in the county …. you really needed to be an optimist to think it would stop soon  —  but it wasn’t raining any more by the time we got to the trail head

This was another walk on mainly new roads for me  —  so much fun to check new sights like these out

We’re supposed to have a rule that says we should always walk facing traffic  —  but when there’s no traffic the rule is completely ignored ….

For those of us who don’t mind this kind of damp dark weather, it was a great morning

Official head count:  24H, eight D

You can see Jack V’s photos here

Report to Hikers: week of March 13-March 19


Hello Hikers!


Thursday March 16

Road walk, Michigan Hollow Road, Danby SF

Gorgeous fresh and sparkling morning in Danby SF  —  it seemed especially beautiful because it was our first chance to get out after being trapped inside for two days by Snowstorm Stella

One problem at the meet-up  —  there was a strong wind blowing down from the north, and we were not looking forward to having to walk back into it for an hour on the return leg  —  over 20 mph with gusts over 30 mph, according to two weather data sites

Norm shot a small video, which you can see here

One good thing about a road walk  —  if you arrive late, you can just drive ahead and catch up with everyone no matter how far up the road they are

We made it as far south as the Tioga County line in an hour  —  just about three miles

For whatever reason, the wind wasn’t bad at all on our way back to the cars  —  maybe it was being blocked by the trees  —  in any case, we had a great time and everyone was really feeling cheerful

Official head count:  12H, three D


Saturday March 18

Road walk  —  Legge Hill Road, Candor

More chilly wind blowing right on us  —  luckily, either it died down quickly or I got used to it, but it wasn’t a bother after the first few minutes

The sky was a leaden grey and the scenery had a wonderful bleak and melancholy feeling  —  we passed two picturesque decaying houses that must have been lovely in the past;  they added to the gloomy mood

It started to snow lightly before we reached the halfway point in the walk

There was a good snow cover everywhere except this little knob  —  it wasn’t particularly windy at that moment, but it must be a very windy spot in general.  Steve (R) shot a brief video from the summit giving a 360-panorama view  —  you can see it here

This was one of the first of the farmland road walks our group has done  —  Tiger and I both really loved it the first time  —  this time we were a little surprised to find it didn’t seem so special to us  —  we’ve gotten spoiled and we’re really very discriminating now

But there’s no question, the rolling terrain and the gloomy atmosphere were fantastic!

Official head count:  18H, five D

You can see Annie’s photos here


Sunday March 19

Snowmobile trail, Fischer Settlement Road east through Danby SF

The snowmobiles had packed the snow down pretty well, but we had to walk single-file and the surface was a little lumpy and soft, so the walking was a bit tough

This was supposed to be an easy hike but the trail was a lot more uphill than I’d remembered, and we got a good workout

It was really nice out and we were in good spirits  —  Stephanie said she felt a powerful urge to make a snow angel, something she hadn’t done in many many years

The snowmobile trail turned south and headed down Travor Road through the SF  —  we got as far as Peter Road in South Danby  —  another walk for another day

My ass was dragging as we got back to the cars but Tiger said she felt energized and not the least bit tired  —  I wonder if all this hiking is turning her into an endorphin-type exerciser ….

Official head count:  25H, five D

More photos:


Jack V