Report to Hikers: week of June 12-June 18


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday June 14

Deputron Hollow Road, Danby

Official head count:  17H, three D

You can see Annie’s photos here


Saturday June 17

Texas Hollow SF, Bennettsburg

Official head count:  23H, seven D

You can see Jack V’s photos here


Sunday June 18

Upper Buttermilk Falls SP and La Tourelle

Official head count:  34H, nine D and three Da (daughters)  —  for Father’s Day

More photos:


Jack V


Report to Hikers: week of June 5-June 11


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday June 7

Stevens Suspension Bridge, Forest Home, to the Varna cliffs along Fall Creek

Official head count:  25H, six D

More photos:


Jack V


Saturday June 10

Layen Road to Bruce Hill Road, Danby

Official head count:  21H, four D

More photos:


Jack V


Sunday June 11

Hammond Hill SF ski trails

Official head count:  23H, seven D

More photos:


Jack V

Report to Hikers: week of May 29-June 4


Hello Hikers!


Wed May 31

Road walk, Sirrine Road NW of Perry City

Official head count:  20H, four D

More photos:


Jack V


Sat June 3

Satterly Hill, Burdett

Lots of flowers, but none of them were fragrant this year.

Official head count:  12H, six D

You can see Annie’s photos here


Sunday June 4

Monkey Run, N side of Fall Creek at Hanshaw Road

Official head count:  13H, four D

You can see Jack V’s photos here

Report to Hikers: week of May 22-May 28


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday May 24

Willseyville Creek, Caroline

Official head count:  19H, four D

You can see Jack V’s photos here


Saturday May 27

Jim Schug Trail, Dryden

It wasn’t supposed to rain, but there it was, coming down quite hard as we drove out Route 13 toward Dryden  —  luckily it wasn’t raining at the meet-up

We only do this trail once a year, during hunting season in late November  —  it never occurred to me it would be a stunning place to look at gorgeous spring scenery

The whole area southeast of Dryden along the Route 38 corridor has a wonderful pastoral feeling  —  scattered farms and gently rolling fields and hills  —  the Schug trail runs right through the heart of it

I’m sure a lot of our hikers are really sick of the cloudy wet cool days we’ve been having  —  but some of our regulars actually prefer these atmospherics  —  I’d be happy myself if it was always like this

Official head count:  17H, five D

More photos:


Jack V


Sunday May 28

Shindagin Hollow Road to South Road on the FLT, Shindagin Hollow SF

Official head count:  35H, seven D

More photos:


Jack V

Report to Hikers: week of May 15-May 21


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday May 17

South Danby Road to the Tamarack Lean-to on the FLT

First hot-weather hike of the year  —  upper 70s when we shaped up, low 80s when we finished

With the return of bright sunny weather and the leaves now out on the trees, we’re into intense sun-and-shade effects in the woods

All of a sudden it clouded over for a few minutes and it seemed like it might rain  —  it’s interesting to see how drastically the cloudiness changes the lighting in the woods

I took a little poll of some people  —  were they feeling really hot or not?  —  half said they felt hot, the others not very hot

Official head count:  20H, two D

You can see Jack V’s photos here


Saturday May 20

Finger Lakes Trail and Abbott Loop between Bald Hill Road and Diane’s Crossing, Danby SF

Official head count:  22H, eight D

More photos:


Jack V


Sunday May 21

Finger Lakes trail from Braley Hill Road to Shindagin Hollow Road, Shindagin Hollow SF

Official head count:  25H, eight D

We were swarmed by small flies whenever we stopped  —  not bad as long as we kept moving

More photos:


Jack V


Who’s who in the Ithaca Hikers

I want to remind you  —  or maybe you never knew it to begin with  —  that we have an online page with photos and names attached of the people who’ve hiked with us at least semi-regularly over some period in the last five years.  This is a good place to ID someone you’ve talked to on the trail or seen in the photos but you don’t know their name.  Here’s a direct link to the ID page  —  you can also reach it at any time by going to the Home page of the hikers web site and scrolling down.  Speaking of ID photos  —  for those of you who complain I never use photos of myself in the hike reports  —  here’s a shot Tiger got of me on Saturday  —  I hope this will silence the complaints for a while