Hello hikers!
Wed Sept 27
Potato Hill SF, Caroline

It was very warm, above 80, and sultry — just bearable in the shade of the trees
When we hit Blackman Hill Road we always then cross a very large field with spectacular views to the south all the way into Pennsylvania many miles away — after milling around for a few minutes so I can get some shots where there’s enough light ….

But there was a motion made to skip crossing the field in the hot direct sun and to get right back into the woods
Back into the woods won by a split vote
I love the field but it was undoubtedly cooler in the woods
Official head count: 23H, five D
More photos:
Jack V
Saturday Sept 30
Finger Lakes National Forest, Burdett — FLT from lower Burnt Hill Road to Logan Road

Great classic early fall morning on the trail — mid 40s, dramatically gloomy, fresh breeze, raining a little on the last leg of the drive to the trail head and then off and on for the first half of the hike — fabulous atmospherics
There’s a pond and a field right off to the side on the first leg of the walk but I failed to see either — too busy talking — Jack V got a shot of the pond — I liked the lean-to
As I mentioned in the hike announcement, this was the first time we did this hike — the woods are very nice, above average in quality I would say — condition of the trail is very good
Many lively ups and downs along the way — no one had to worry about being cold

We did the last return leg on Burnt Hill Road instead of returning through the woods — this is a first-rate country road

It’s a bit hairy for driving — this was the only car that passed us while we were walking on it
Even though this was our first time doing this hike, we managed to get back in exactly two hours, thanks to some very accurate timing advice from Jack V, who had been here before
Official head count: 14H, nine D
More photos:
Jack V
Sunday Oct 1
Shindagin Hollow SF — from Braley Hill Road to Shindagin Hollow Road on the FLT

Official head count: 23H, eight D
More photos:
Jack V
Shotgun season for deer doesn’t begin until mid-November, but hunting for small animals and birds began Sunday Oct 1. We don’t stop hiking during this season, but some private landowners who allow the Finger Lakes Trail to cross their property do close their land for hunting starting Oct 1. Our hiking pal Gary M, head of the Cayuga Trails Club, asked me to refer you to this list of FLT closures, and to remind you to honor the private landowners’ requests.