Report to Hikers: week of Feb 5-Feb 11


Hello Hikers!


Thu Feb 8

Upper Lick Brook to Upper Buttermilk at Yaple Road on the spur trail, Danby

Official head count:  13H, three D

More photos:

Jack V


Sat Feb 10

Bald Hill Road and upper Abbott Loop to The Pinnacles look-out, Danby SF

I was taken by surprise this time  —  I just assumed someone would have come in and broken a trail in the three days since the heavy snow fell  —  but we immediately hit deep and slick conditions that were really tiring

I suggested we could change our plan and do a plowed road walk down Station Road instead but everyone wanted to keep going toward The Pinnacles, a much more exciting hike

By the time we reached the look-out, the group had shrunk  —  one hiker turned back with a knee problem, another had to turn back because his dog was having a problem, and a number of people had fallen far behind

The look-out had gotten badly obscured by overgrowth in recent years but the state sent a crew in last fall and did extensive cutting and pruning  —  the result was a dramatic improvement

Some of us were wearing microspikes  —  these developed big uncomfortable ice balls toward the end so it was like having a club foot must be  —  you can see an ice ball on Tiger’s spike right next to her left ankle

On the last leg, we were able to walk in the track we’d laid down on the outbound walk, but the snow was bumpy and this caused twisting in my ankles and knees that was very unpleasant

I found out later that the hikers who initially fell behind also made it up to the look-out, in two groups  —  here’s the larger bunch, who got a group shot

Sorry, this is an iPhone 5 shot by Nancy L and I don’t know how to get it to display properly  —   but you can twist your head and make it out

Official head count:  18H, five D

This was our most tiring hike in quite a while


Sunday Feb 11

I was very happy that only a couple of hikers failed to get my last-second hike cancellation notice and drove out to the trail head  —  I didn’t like waiting so long to make a final call, but I kept expecting the temperature would rise above freezing like it was predicted to do  —  in fact, it ended up still being 32 at 11 am at the airport, where the Ithaca weather readings are taken.

I now realize Feb 12 is not a holiday as I claimed yesterday, so I’ll include our Feb 12 hike in next week’s hike report


Report to Hikers: week of Jan 29-Feb 5


Hello Hikers!


Wed Jan 30

Farm-road walk  —  Hill Road and Curtis Road, South Danby

There are places around town where, if I stand in the right spot on a snowy day, I can photograph the hikers in an all-white setting like this  —  I really enjoy the effect  —  for some reason, makes me think of a group of the elect heading up into paradise  —  especially when there’s a bright glow in the sky like here.

Below is the same view from the other direction  —  nice scene but doesn’t look like paradise ….

We tried to walk on part of Curtis that’s not maintained  –  too icy

This is Hill Road, on a section that’s plowed ….

If you’re paying attention, you should notice this photo is blue.  And this one:

Here’s what happened:

I have an extremely small camera  —  including small buttons used to change settings  —  when it’s cold (it was in the low teens), I work the buttons wearing gloves  —  this is very clumsy and I inadvertently changed the settings so all the photos came out blue  —  without realizing it

Even though the color is weird, you can still appreciate the beautiful scenery, I think

Official head count:  NineH, three D

We now have a new Google Group that I use to send out details of our midweek hikes  —  out of the blue, Cornell blocked 13 hikers who have Cornell e-mail accounts from receiving this hike announcement  —  probably reduced the turnout a bit

More photos:

Jack V


Saturday Feb 3

Layen Road to Bruce Hill Road, Jersey Hill, Danby

Not everyone made it on time for the obligatory group shot at the start of the huge field

Eckhart thought this might be the largest oak tree in the county  —  he brought a cord to measure the trunk  —  17 feet 9 inches around about five feet up from the ground

Two scenes from the quarry:

Steve S (top photo) regards this as our best hike  —  though he’s not as wild about the quarry itself as I am

Official head count:  21H, seven D

More photos:

Jack V


Sunday Feb 4

Monkey Run Natural Area, north side of Fall Creek

Official head count:  19H, five D

More photos:

Jack V


Report to Hikers: week of Jan 22-Jan 28


Hello Hikers!


Wed Jan 24

Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF  —  preliminary hike to collect firewood for our Sat cook-out

A bit of a grim day  —  snowing, cold and slippery  —  but we had a lot of fun

Official head count:  17H, three D

More photos:

Jack V


Sat Jan 27

Hot dog cook-out, Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF

For once, a forecast of nice weather made a week ahead of time actually proved correct, and we had a gorgeous morning for our event  —  it was 50 by noon.  But it was still pretty snowy, and the trail in was more slippery than on Wednesday

As promised, we had two great fires  —  Eckhart (extreme left in this shot) walked in an hour early and had everything roaring ahead of time  —  as you can see, things were a little smoky from time to time

This is the second fire  —  burning much cleaner than the one gushing smoke on the front side of the lean-to

We had a second hot dog cook this year in addition to Tiger, Annamarie, who has some commercial kitchen experience

The combination of mild temperature and snowy scenery was really pleasing, and the get-together took on a very relaxed and laid-back feeling

The smokier fire in front of the lean-to died down after a while, and more of the action shifted to the back fire

By coincidence, a group of hikers from Cayuga Trails Club had a scheduled hike right past the lean-to, and they dropped by.  The hike was being led by David P, who runs CTC’s trail maintenance operation  —  I was delighted to meet David (red jacket and backpack in the center of the shot) and to thank him publicly for all the great work he does that directly benefits our group.  I’ll take this opportunity to urge you to join CTC  —  they do great work for hiking here.

Official head count:  33H, nine D

More photos:

Jack V


Sunday Jan 28

Monkey Run natural area, south side of Fall Creek

It was surprisingly icy  —  the last stretch of the walk, along Fall Creek, was so bad most of the hikers bailed out a half hour early

Official head count:  23H, nine D

More photos:

Jack V


Report to Hikers: week of Jan 16-Jan 21


Hello Hikers!


Wed Jan 17

Lower Buttermilk Falls SP  —  camping and cabins area and Larch Meadow Trail

We walked in two areas of lower Buttermilk where we haven’t come as a group in years

The cabins and camping area was surprisingly picturesque, thanks to the snow and an interesting underlying terrain

The roads up to this area are closed for the winter but they’re plowed  —  this was very helpful because the snow quality in general wasn’t great for walking

I suspect not too many hikers regularly walk in the area across lower Sand Bank Road from the main lower Buttermilk entrance  —  there’s a wooded trail that circles several ball fields.  The trail runs parallel to Route 13 for about 10-15 minutes and it’s a little noisy  —  and the woods are a bit dull  —  there was some griping from our regulars  —  but then we turned away from the highway and came out into the ball fields and it was very pretty in the pale sunlight.

Official head count:  16H, six D


Saturday Jan 20

Road walk  —  Fisher Settlement Road, South Danby

I tried to get the hikers to follow me into the deep snow alongside the road to demonstrate how deep it was  —  no one would budge off the plowed part

This is one of the darker pine woods we encounter  —  Scott was somehow left out of this group photo

We had a bit of pickup traffic heading south in the early part of the hike  —  couldn’t figure where they were going since this is pretty much a road to nowhere  —  after a while, the traffic really dropped off

My definition of a good country road walk is one where we can spread across the whole width without worrying we’ll be hit

We counted 16 horses living here

Official head count:  15H, four D


Special hiker event  —  Group trip to the Seneca Falls women’s march

March report by Mark and Ellie

On Saturday, January 20, 10 “Ithaca Hikers” met at Mark and Ellie’s house to carpool up to the Women March in Seneca Falls. There we joined other “hikers”, Ithacans, and thousands of others to protest at the site of the first women’s rights convention (held in 1948). It was a beautiful day, great location, and great camaraderie.

Photos by Mark and Lori W


Sunday Jan 21

Snowmobile trail from the Slaterville Springs post office north

These cows and steers seemed really energized by our group  —  when we came into view they began to run back and forth and dart around in a very lively manner  —  several hikers thought they were preparing to break through the fence and charge us, but I didn’t think so

Brian and his wife Ann used to hike with us regularly in 2008 and 2009  —  it was really fun to see them pop back up on the trail after so many years  —  they don’t look any older.  Brian was the only one willing to pose with this dead cow  —  there’s a long story attached to the carcass I won’t get into

Official head count:  25H, nine D


Report to Hikers: week of Jan 8-Jan 15


Hello Hikers!


Wed Jan 10

So Danby Road west to Curtis Road on the FLT

Tiger and I were both sick and had to miss this hike  —  and photographer Jack V was sick and had to miss too  —  luckily, Hiker Julie C got some shots and did a hike report  —  unfortunately, I can’t get her photos to load to the hiker web site in an upright orientation  —  they keep coming out sideways  —  so you need to look at them here  —  where they display fine

Here’s Julie’s hike report:

“It was a beautiful morning, and a good blood-stirring hike, with sparkling powder about 4 or 5” deep on the trail.  Started with a long uphill climb through pines, then down into a pretty little valley full of hemlocks and a mostly-frozen creek, then more uphill to the road (Curtis?), and back again.  There were around 13 humans, and 3 dogs, although Brenda and her dogs, along with Katharine, dropped off early and we only saw Katharine again at the very end of the hike.  She said Brenda decided it was too hard on the dogs.  Definitely a good workout for the humans. “



Sunday Jan 14

Stevens Suspension Bridge to the Cornell golf course, horse barns and arboretum, Forest Home

First time I was able to hike in two weeks.  I loved how the sun just coming up over the tall hedges along Forest Home Drive lit up the hikers’ breath and illuminated the lightly falling snow

Official head count:  21H, six D

More photos:

Jack V


Monday Jan 15

Stevens Suspension Bridge east to the Varna cliffs

Lovely morning at the trail head, cold (zero) but not windy, and there was pale sunshine at a low angle creating some cheerful illumination in the landscape

More frozen breath effects created by the sun just coming over the tall hedges ….

Once we got across Freese Road it clouded up and took on a great somber look

Very gloomy at the end

Official head count:  12H, two D


Got a comment sent to the web site by Hiker Deb E, about two photos in this album:

“My highest compliments to Jack V for the 2 beautiful images he captured of T’ Falls!!! Among the absolute best I’ve seen in the past 10 years of much beloved and photographed place.

Molly and I had originally planned to join you all, but I was hunkered down nursing a sore throat. Hope to rejoin the group soon. – DE”