Hello Hikers!
Special report this week: Meet our regulars!
We’ve accumulated a large number of subscribers to this web site — there are 314 as I’m writing this — but the number of people who actually hike with us is a lot smaller. That leaves a lot of subscribers who, if they look at the photos, probably don’t have any idea who’s pictured — they just see the same anonymous faces week after week. Today I’m going to introduce everyone to the real people in the shots, so you can get a better idea of who we are.
The hikers pictured below are the regulars who hiked with us on at least one of the three hikes we did this past week.
Photos from Wednesday:
(If you click the photos you will see a larger very crisp version)

Jim — deputy sheriff — Ithaca native

Stephanie — real estate investor and landlord — McLean native

Norm — independent native plants field investigator, specializing in moss and liverworts

Dick — retired chemistry professor SUNY Cortland — spends the winter in Virgin Islands

Judith — retired labor economics consultant in NYC — married to Dick

Robin — retired graphic artist who created the Silk Oak clothing and home furnishings line — later a special ed teacher — currently has a blog

Virginia — fine arts painter — retired art teacher at CSMA

Elizabeth — retired Cornell neurobiology professor
Regulars who hiked Saturday:

Casey — independent saw doctor (saw filer) to the sawmill industry — participates in organized go-kart and frozen-lake car racing

Linda — recently moved here from Memphis — retired clinical psychologist

Dennis F — retired math teacher — active stock market investor and trader

Moc — retired computer engineer — spends half the year in Venice, FL

Jack V — retired math instructor at IC — official Ithaca Hikers nature photographer

Bud — retired soil scientist for the US government, based in Ithaca

Eckhart — retired commercial horticulturist — retired part-time Cornell librarian — our most senior hiker

Leigh Ann — social psychology professor at IC

Dave R — retired librarian at SUNY Cortland — part-time labor organizer
Regulars who hiked Sunday

Dennis R — retired social psychology professor at Cornell — married to Elizabeth

Roger — owns a company that buys, leases and sells heavy construction equipment — native of McLean

Nancy H — part-time writing instructor at IC — technical writer — author of a 6-book urban fantasy novel series available at Amazon

Tiger and me — photo taken at Dryden Lake — Tiger is the official hike photographer — retired textile artist and fine arts painter in NYC — I was a civil engineer in NYC — moved to Ithaca 2003
There are other regulars — I’ll get to them sometime ….
Hike report: Wed Sept 12
Ellis Hollow Nature Preserve

Official head count: 13H, two D
Hike report — Sat Sept 15
Woodard Road east into upper Treman SP on the FLT

Official head count: 25H, seven D
More photos:
Jack V
Hike report — Sun Sept 16
Layen Road to Bruce Hill Road and beyond, Danby

Camera shoot-out in the big field
We wanted to do a group portrait with Eckhart in honor of his 87th birthday, which is coming this week. It turned into an experiment. I lined the hikers up with the sun behind them, though many of them protested that they should be facing the other way.
Jack V was one of the people who said I had the lighting wrong. He turned the group around so the sun was shining straight on them.

What was the difference caused by the direction of the sunlight? Here are close-ups from each photo — judge for yourself.

Can you see the difference? Do you have a preference?
…. Back to the walk ….

We had some unwanted excitement. The walk includes a short but very steep hill that you have to navigate very carefully. Several hikers were stung going up the hill on the outbound leg — quite a few more were stung coming back down. Most people got stung more than once.
Official head count: 30H, five D
More photos:
Jack V