Report to Hikers — week of Oct 26 – Nov 1

Hello Hikers!

Wed Oct 28

This report was written by Jim

Carter Creek Road, Connecticut Hill WMA

On Wednesday October 28th, 9 hikers and 3 dogs met at the southern end of Carter Creek Rd in the Town of Newfield.

The maintained road ends here after a local bridge washed out several years ago. The road surface beyond the closure is still in good condition, having not been declared abandoned by the town. The closed portion of road still services a privately owned hunting camp on one side of the washed-out bridge, while the road on the opposite side of the bridge provides access to a Cornell Natural Area.

The weather was less than optimal, with a fairly steady drizzle on-going as the hike started.

The hike followed Carter Creek Rd past the road closure and along Carter Creek itself. Upon reaching the closed bridge that crosses the creek the group opted to do a streambed crossing in the nearly-dry stream rather than risk crossing the mossy and slick canted bridge surface.

After crossing Carter Creek the road continues on with a modest incline.

The group  turned onto Cabin RD and continued at a steady pace up the gradual incline. On Cabin Rd there is a spot or two with some decent vistas of the hills and ridgeline on the opposite side of Carter Creek. While we were past peak colors on hike day, the wild assortment of leaf colors and the misty air quality gave the group an  excellent view of that area.

We passed a couple of small mowed fields and continued climbing Cabin Rd to near the terminus with Connecticut Hill Rd. Before reaching that intersection the group turned off Cabin Rd and entered a short section of the Finger Lakes Trail. This offered us the opportunity to do some hiking on an actual trail versus a pure road walk.

This short section led us through a very short meadow, but was otherwise a woods walk until it came out onto Connecticut Hill Rd.

By this time the rain had stopped and the air was clear of the mist and ambience that we had enjoyed on the outward leg of the hike.

Once the hikers reconvened as a single unit on Connecticut Hill RD w hiked to the intersection with Cabin Rd and returned to the cars.


Sat Nov 31

This report was written by Jim

Halloween walk — two urban cemeteries and other close-in sights

18 hikers and three dogs met in the Ithaca High School parking lot for a holiday-appropriate urban walk of the area cemeteries and other local properties.

It was a cool day but not uncomfortably so.

Several hikers had opted to hike in some form of alternate holiday themed garb from their normal hiking outfits.

“Bad” Dennis
Nancy L
Tiger and Cian — fur hats — click on the photo if you want to see Tiger’s face

The group quickly ascended the main road that runs through Lakeview Cemetery situated above the Ithaca High School

After emerging from the upper portion of that cemetery, a  short detour to Sunset Park provided the group with a quick photo opportunity before  continuing  on to the Ithaca City Cemetery via Stewart Avenue.

Sunset Park look-out
Three hikers were too slow – missed the group portrait
The view from the other side of the Stewart Ave bridge – most hikers neglected to check it out

The hikers entered the upper entrance to the Ithaca City Cemetery, passing through one of the tree-filled and shaded side roads to that property before arriving at the lower part of University Ave. Hikers walked to the bottom of University Avenue and climbed the stairs of the Cascadilla Gorge Trail.

Once on Eddy Street the group travelled a short distance along Highland Place and Williams Street to return to  to Stewart Avenue.

Norm suggested a small detour from the planned route which again took the group through the Ithaca City Cemetery and back to University Avenue. Climbing University  Avenue, the group turned onto Lake Street and returned to the high school parking lot.

It was good to have a couple of our city hikers join us again for this hike.

This was a hike that was a little out of the norm for the group, but everyone seemed to have a good time.

More photos:



Sunday Nov 1

Willseyville Creek valley east of Ridgeway Road, Caroline

Very nice morning — not too cool, cloudy, a rain storm coming at us on the doppler radar ….

The regular trail downhill through the woods was closed so we had to do the first leg of the walk on Ridgeway Road — in fact that’s not really a hardship because the road is extremely quiet, and the scenery is good. The road walk down the hill takes 10 minutes.

This is part two of the walk, up the old railroad bed through the Willseyville Creek swamp. This leg of the hike was greatly improved recently by a brush clearing operation that our group helped with. But there is still a fringe of scrubby brush along the side of the railroad trail that obscures the view into the swamp, which looks like this:

About a half-hour into the walk, you leave the railroad bed and head north through a series of beautiful fields, on the way to the back edge of Shindagin Hollow SF

It started to rain at 11, exactly as the NWS had suggested it would. But it wasn’t hard, or unpleasant.

The rain created some really great atmospherics on the distant hills.

Official head count: 20H, four D

More photos:


Report to Hikers — week of Oct 19 – Oct 25

Hello Hikers!

Wed Oct 21

This report was written by Jim

Black Diamond Trail from Kraft Road south, town of Ulysses

Ten hikers ( I believe my count is correct; there were some late arrivals as always ) and four dogs met on Kraft Rd where the Black Diamond Trail crosses. The day was a beautiful, warm and truly  fall day for a hike. 

The group set off in a Southwesterly direction towards Ithaca, and almost immediately the lead element  outpaced the late arrivals.

Everyone quickly set their own pace within their splinter groups, and from where I was in the rear of the group I could see small clusters of our hikers walking and talking as they progressed down the trail.

‘The trail was in heavy use by others, primarily  other walkers and  bicyclists.

The undergrowth along the path shoulders hasn’t yet lost its leaves, so there wasn’t the clear views that we see of the side fields when the group walks this path in the winter. Still, the thinning shrubbery still offered many glimpses of fields, houses and other signs of development along the path. In many places there was still a solid canopy of golden leaves overhead that the group was walking under. 

Three scenic shots taken from the edge of the trail:

The ground underfoot was still wet from the previous nights rain, and the streams we passed over were all sending a good amount of water towards the lake. This was a welcome change from the almost universal dry streambeds that we’ve seen on so many recent hikes.

Eventually the lead element reached a good turn-around point, and everyone returned to their cars at their own pace.

All in all, this was a good hike. It may not have the challenging elevation changes that we see elsewhere, but its a good locale for the groups members to share an appealing hike experience with each other.


Sat Oct 24

Hike rained out


Sun Oct 25

This report and the embedded photos are all by Randy

Carter Creek Loop, Connecticut Hill WMA

Twenty hikers and six dogs met at the junction of Lloyd Stark and Boylan Roads. The day was generally clear and quite cool, the trails had only modest mud from the recent rains, and the forest was free of hunters.  We didn’t see any hikers either…at least I didn’t.

Nancy led the eager-to-get-moving group up Boylan, and made a left (south) to follow the slightly-uphill contours of the hill overlooking the creek below, with magnificent views of richly-colored Rowell Hill.

We then regrouped on Carter Creek Road, and met Steve and Tiger who hiked the road…good timing!

After a short hike down the road we found the Vinca-lined trail down to the creek, which was easy to cross thanks to some well-placed rocks.

After a short uphill, we headed north along the western flanks of Doll Hill, then after crossing the road again, Rowell Hill.  This part of the trail was previously a road, so the going was easy until we came to a narrow spot where there was a steep drop-off on the left.

Soon we could see a large pond through the trees, and we approached it on the east side…the water level was at its highest…a beautiful finish to the hike

And just to avoid a short muddy section of the trail we made a short detour over to Lloyd Stark Road from where we could see the cars and some of the first hikers in our group.  

All in all, it was a good hike.  We stayed safe, had fun, met some new friends, and got a little exercise.

Meanwhile, here’s another set of photos, taken with a bigger camera
Boylan Road
Carter Creek Road
Finally …. here’s a link to Cian’s photos … he was using a new panoramic camera

Cian’s shots

Report to Hikers — week of Oct 12 – Oct 18

Hello Hikers!

Wed Oct 14

This report was written by Jim

Treman SP from Route 13 west on the FLT

Eleven hikers and four dogs met in the parking area near the junction of State Routes 13 and 34/96, for a hike of the Finger Lakes Trail in the area of lower Robert Treman State Park.

The day had started out noticeably cool,  but by the time the hike started things had warmed up to a comfortable level.

The walk through lower Treman was uneventful, the freshly fallen leaves crunching underfoot as the group climbed the hills and progressed towards upper Treman.

The sun filtered through the leaves that were still on the trees, but at no point did it seem that the light intensity was uncomfortable. On the climb from lower Treman the group encountered only one other hiker/ trail runner on the FLT.

The majority of our group turned around  after an hour and headed back to their cars. Two hikers continued on to the Rim Trail, taking that to Upper Treman and then hiking the length of the Gorge Trail back to lower Treman. Both the portion of the Rim Trail that we hiked as  well as the Gorge Trail saw a moderate level of other park patrons on the trails  for being a mid-week hike.

The water in the stream in many spots we saw was quite clear, with the leaves floating on the surface creating some interesting shadows on the creek bed as everything moved with the current.

The two hikers arrived back at their cars about an hour later than normal compared to our normal hikes. The parking area we use beyond the bridge was still fairly full of other peoples vehicles, so we were clearly not the only group deciding to hike that area that day

I’m pretty happy with this hike over all. I was glad to see that the park system has been investing in a good amount of trail maintenance in recent years, with many areas of broken stonework that I recall on the Gorge trail in past years having been repaired.

If anyone else chooses to hike this area before the state closes the trails  for the season, be aware that the water fountains have already been turned off for the year, so you should bring your own water supply with you.


Sat Oct 17

This report was written by Jim

Shindagin Hollow SF — Shindagin Hollow Road east toward South Road and beyond on the FLT

The route I took on my drive to the trailhead passed over Irish Settlement Rd, where the fields were covered with the seasons first hard frost. Other hikers reported that their drive from Ithaca a little later in the morning on Slaterville RD had them passing through fields of mist.

I was standing at the trailhead waiting for the rest of the hikers to arrive , when the sun came over the hilltop and started warming the frosty leaf canopy in the trees around me. Soon the forest around me was filled with the sound of thawed frost falling to the ground as a sort of rainfall within the treeline. These are the sorts of sounds that get obscured when the larger group begins to assemble and the volume of hiker chatter obscures the background noises.

Other people were getting in some last minute outdoor recreation in the area; there were tent campers set up near our parking area, and the lean-to was occupied when we got there on the out-bound leg of our hike.

Streams near the trailhead and during the hike were still bone dry, although the stream water source at the lean-to had more water running than it did a month ago.

Seventeen hikers and six dogs met on Shindagin Hollow RD to hike to and beyond South RD. Of that number a couple of late arrivals never met up with the lead group of hikers, so  from the start of the hike the group was fractured into two distinct clusters of hikers who had little interaction with each other. Trail conditions on some of the up-hills were a little treacherous due to the slick leaf cover and roots, but there were no falls or other ill effects from these conditions.

The early morning lighting made picking out some of the more worn blazes a little bit of an adventure in places, particularly when the fresh leaf covered caused the trail to disappear somewhat into the surrounding terrain. . A small trail re-route was enjoyed by the group on the outbound leg.

Upon reaching South Rd, the first group of hikers continued on, through a straight, mostly flat,  section of trail that skirts along near-by fields. As the trail took a couple of 90 degree turns the group hit its turn-around time and re-traced its steps back down the trail without incident.

It’s my understanding that the second group of hikers turned around upon reaching South RD.

This is the B Group — The SlowPokes — posing for a group shot before reaching South Road
South Road
Two late starters catch up to The SlowPokes

More photos:




Sun Oct 18

This hike report was written by Jim

All photos in the report were taken by Tiger

Monkey Run Natural Area, south side of Fall Creek, Varna

18 hikers and 5 dogs met on Monkey Run Rd for a hike on the South side of Fall Creek through the Monkey Run Natural Area.

We were lucky to have several relatively new hikers and some long-absent Ithaca Hikers re-join us on the hike today.

This proved to be a popular destination today for others as well. Our group encountered multiple other trail users before during and after our hike.

Things started out a little cool temperature wise, but it was a comfortable hike throughout. We haven’t done this hike in some time now; I had delayed in choosing this for one of our hikes because of reports over the summer of a possibly rabid animal in the area. No animal encounters were made on the hike day.

This was a really comfortable hike terrain-wise; none of the hills are particularly strenuous, the forest surface covered with needles and fallen leaves is always pleasing to walk on, and the portions of the hike where the group crosses open fields near Rte 366 can be visually stunning as well on clear crisp days like today was.

The portions of the hike that travel alongside the steep precipices next to Fall Creek are always of particular interest to me, and todays hike was no exception.

The group paused as we always do alongside the streambed at one point before plunging back into the brush and tree cover to continue with the hike.

There was a little confusion on my part over one of the yellow blazed side trails towards the end  that resulted in us doing a small extra circle, but ultimately we wound up back at the cars only a couple of minutes past our normal end time.

More photos:


Jack V

Report to Hikers — week of Oct 5 – Oct 11

Hello Hikers!

Wed Oct 7

This report was written by Jim

Lime Hollow Nature Preserve, Cortland County

Six hikers met at the Lime Hollow Nature Center parking area on Gracie RD in Cortland County. The day was generally overcast, much more so than on Tuesday when I had done an exploratory hike of the trails in anticipation of Wednesday’s hike.

No way a hunter could mistake our ladies for deer
No way to mistake Jim either ….

Hikers started out by walking Easterly on the Lehigh Valley trail. Eventually the group met an intersecting blue trail that loops to the North; this trail is fairly new and doesn’t appear on the maps of the trail system that we had.

The trail is a bit rough in spots, particularly around one area where it skirts a solar farm that’s under construction.

Sorry, photo looks very posed (it was, but it was supposed to look candid)

We completed this loop in just under an hour.

By this time the group was getting the first threatening drops of rain accompanied by wind, but nothing that would cause too much concern.

We returned to the cars and continued Westerly across Gracie Rd to continue the hike on the other half of the Lehigh Valley Trail. Upon reaching the Fen Way loop the group took that in a southerly direction.

By the time the group reached the Fen Connector near the bottom of the loop, the rain had started to fall much more severely, The group completed the loop, returning to the Lehigh Valley Trail and from there back to the cars.

Despite the rain, it was a good hike.


Sat Oct 10

This report was written by Jim

Bock Harvey Forest Preserve and Riemen Woods, Enfield

Sixteen hikers and three dogs met at the Bock Harvey Preserve on Rockwell RD in the Town of Enfield

The day was predicted to be warm and sunny, and the weather people actually got it right this time.

There were some other users of the preserve, including a bow hunter and some overnight guests at the lean-to; these users were all leaving as the Ithaca Hikers arrived. A solitary dog walker was encountered late in the hike.

Trail conditions were about as perfect as I have seen them on this hike in the past; no mud whatsoever, no water to wade through. Freshly fallen leaves somewhat obscured the trail from time to time, but the well-maintained blazes kept the hikers on the right path.

Hikers started by quickly climbing the hill to the lean-to on the blue blazed trail; beyond that we jumped onto the FLT and headed towards Porter Hill Rd. After crossing Porter Hill Rd hikers took the broad loop that brings trail users back to Porter Hill RD. Rather than re-trace our steps back up the hill on the FLT hikers walked up Porter Hill Rd to reconnect with the trail.

Hikers took the FLT back onto Bock Harvey Preserve land, following the trails to Rockwell Rd, where the group turned around and made our way back to the blue trail via the yellow blazed trail.

Hikers found ourselves with extra time to burn, so an extra lap around the blue and yellow blazed trails brought hikers back to our cars more or less exactly on time.

One item of note on this hike was that within a short span of distance the group observed some trees well into their color shift, while only a short distance down the trail trees were encountered whose leaves were still fully green with no hint of color change whatsoever.

More photos:



Sun Oct 11

Danby SF — Loop trail from Bald Hill Road to Diane’s Crossing and back

Beautiful cool morning — lovely muted sun shining through the colored leaves

Such a pleasure not to have another day of intense sunshine like we had so often all summer. We could appreciate the subtleties of the woods, rather than constantly having to squint in overly dark areas and then overly bright ones

There was a fantastic sweet smell of pine needles in the air along this first leg of the walk, down Bald Hill Road

This hike is not a super ass-breaker like some we do, but it’s definitely pretty strenuous, and definitely easier to do on a cool day

A lot of the leaves were down — makes a great carpet on the forest floor

The way we do this walk, this segment on the Abbott Loop is supposed to be heading downhill, but there’s actually a surprising number of uphills too

This is the very brushy area next to Michigan Creek, at the low point of the loop

It barely warmed up during the hike — just 51 when we got back to the cars — but it felt very balmy at Diane’s Crossing. This is a great place to just stare into the bushes — extremely satisfying.

We saw a fair number of other hikers as we came down the Abbott Loop — just a few on our way back to the cars along the FLT past the Chestnut Lean-to.

Really beautiful morning.

Official head count: 12H, six D

More photos:


Report to Hikers — week of Sept 28 – Oct 4

Hello Hikers!

Wed Sept 30

Hike cancelled — threat of rain


Sat Oct 3

This report was written by Jim

Logan Hill Nature Preserve, Candor

12 hikers and 3 dogs met in the Candor Middle School/High School parking lot.

After a short walk up a near-by residential street the group climbed a well-maintained seasonal road towards the Logan Hill Nature Preserve.

Fall colors were in full effect, and despite a cool morning the climb warmed everyone quickly.

Photo by Mary

The group took the full loop on the yellow-blazed trail, bypassing the abbreviated hike offered by the intersecting blue trail.

Photo by Mary

The hike took the group on a very-well blazed trail through  a combination of open fields and wooded areas.

Photo by Mary

Other than a meeting with a couple of other hikers towards the end of the hike, we had the entire trail to ourselves.

Lucy found a deaf Star-nosed Mole. She was fascinated looking at Its details.  Photo by Mary
Photo by Cian

I had missed this hike the first time Leigh Ann led the group on it earlier this year; I think this one was a great addition to our repertoire of hike locations.

Photo by Cian

More photos:



Jack V


Sunday Oct 4

This report was written by Jim

Shindagin Hollow SF — rim trail along Shindagin Gorge

16 hikers and 6 dogs met on Shindagin Hollow Rd where the blacktop ends and the seasonal road continues into the valley.

Temperatures at the start of the hike were cool, although layers for many group members were shed as the hike progressed. Rain threatened us at the very beginning of the hike, but never materialized as a serious impediment to the group.

Hikers walked to the Shindagin Rim Trail and walked the length of that trail, to where it comes out at the lower parking area opposite the Jeep trail marked by the yellow metal gate.

Photo by Mary

Trail conditions were generally dry, although some lower areas later in the hike were soft mud.

Leaves on the majority of trees along the rim trail were still green, although many trees along the way were clearly in a state of transition.

Once the group emerged back onto the seasonal portion of Shindagin Hollow Rd the majority of the group walked a short distance down the road and onto the bike trail that leads down the hill to the streambed. We  followed that trail to its road crossing on Gulf Creek Rd.

Photo by Cian
Photo by Mary

The majority of the group then roadwalked Shindagin Hollow Rd back to the cars. Some people chose to jump back onto the rim trail, but the majority walked the length of Shindagin Hollow RD back to the parking area. This portion of the hike really became a “hike your own hike” experience, where individuals chose to pick the route that worked the best for them. I walked the road all the way up the hill, this portion of the hike was especially pleasing for me despite being a roadwalk, which I often find somewhat monotonous.

Photo by Jack V

There were some fine views along the road as the group would come around some of the bends in the road;  the hillsides in these areas were awash with an impressive variety of colors for a considerable viewing distance. On the S bends while climbing the road the overcast diffused lighting, combined with the darker colors of the shale cliff faces and earth tones of trees, rock, and earth all made for some interesting color combinations.

And an oddity — first ever motorcycle sighting on a trail for our group in this SF dedicated to mountain biking

More photos
Jack V
