Report to Hikers: week of Mar 7-Mar 13

Hello Hikers!
Heisey Road 028

This is a second version of the March 7-13 hike report, this time with embedded photos.  Thanks to the help of a support guy at the web site, I was able to get photos to load again.  This will save some of you from having to go online to see the hikers in action.

The top photo shows us on Wednesday morning starting our hike week with a steep climb.

Wednesday March 9

Heisey Road and Eastman Hill Road, Danby SF

Heisey Road 049


Heisey Road 068


Heisey Road 063


Heisey Road 081

Official head count:  22 hikers, six dogs

More photos online:



Jack V

Saturday March 12

Buttermilk Falls SP, rim trail, Bear Trail and Lake Treman trail

Buttermilk Falls rim trail and Bear Trail 016


Buttermilk Falls rim trail and Bear Trail 094


Buttermilk Falls rim trail and Bear Trail 118


Buttermilk Falls rim trail and Bear Trail 126


Buttermilk Falls rim trail and Bear Trail 129


Buttermilk Falls rim trail and Bear Trail 138

Official head count:  32 hikers, six dogs

More photos online:



Jack V

Sunday March 13

Hammond Hill SF, Star Stanton loop

Hammond Hill SF 223


Hammond Hill SF 243


Hammond Hill SF 281


Hammond Hill SF 321


Hammond Hill SF 331

Official head count:  25 hikers, six dogs

More photos online:



Jack V



Report to Hikers — week of March 7-13 — stripped down version

Hello Hikers!

Buttermilk Falls rim trail and Bear Trail 094

Still having trouble getting photos up onto the web site, so I’m doing a photo-free report this week while I work on solving the problem.  Instead, you can see all the usual photos online.  Several hikers in the past have told me, almost defiantly, “I never click on those photos”  —  well, guys, maybe it’s time to try  —  I assure you, you won’t infect your computer by jumping to our online photo-sharing sites, which are run by Microsoft.

Wednesday March 9

Heisey Road and Eastman Hill Road, Danby SF

Head count:   22
Weather & atmospherics:   summer-like, bright sun
Quality of scenery:  average (which is actually pretty good)
Terrain:  steep uphill at the start, then level

Photos online:



Jack V

Saturday March 12

Buttermilk Falls SP, lower rim trail, Bear Trail, and trail around Lake Treman

Head count:   32
Weather & atmospherics:  mild-springlike, bright sun
Quality of scenery:  excellent
Terrain:  very steep at first, then ups and downs

Photos online:



Jack V

Sunday March 13

Hammond Hill SF, Star Stanton loop

Head count:  25
Weather & atmospherics:  cool-springlike, pale sun
Quality of scenery:  excellent  –  our most scenic walk here ever
Terrain:  steep at first, then mild ups and downs

One snafu:  I included a Google Map in the hike announcement but I failed to test out the “Get directions” feature beforehand  —  in fact, the map gave absurd directions on how to reach the meet-up  —  four cars with five hikers ended up in the wrong spot  —  we tried to coordinate over the phone but we weren’t able to run into each other, though we were all near each other.

Photos online:



Jack V

Reminder  —  we’re having a get-together in Danby after our regular hike on Easter Sunday  —  details in due time

Report to Hikers: week of Feb 29-March 6

Hello Hikers!


Thursday March 3

Deputron Road, Danby — road walk
Deputron Road, Danby 032Our first time on this deserted country road. This was the scene just a few minutes after we left the cars. I wonder how many hikers would be immediately turned off by the puddling, and wish they hadn’t come out. I myself enjoy this type of messy going as long as it doesn’t last too long.
Deputron Road, Danby 044After a little while more, the scenery turned extremely beautiful. I started the walk with really no expectations of what we’d see; even so, I was surprised by the extreme deep-woods look of the road. This stretch reminded ne of the rim trail along Enfield Creek in Treman SP. Tiger and I are much too cautious to ever go exploring in the car on a road this rough, even though we have a 4WD — but one of our hikers actually drove the whole length before the hike.
Deputron Road, Danby 056We decided to do a road walk to accommodate our super-regular midweek hiker Good Dennis, who broke his collarbone in a skiing accident the week before. He normally uses two hiking sticks to deal with the bumpiness of our trails — but as you can see here, his right arm is now inside his jacket and his right sleeve is hanging down empty, so we decided to do a more or less smooth surface. It worked out well.
Deputron Road, Danby 069Official head count: 14 hikers, three dogs
Deputron Road, Danby 080We had a very strong sex-ratio imbalance this week, 10 ladies to four guys — all our ladies are extremely cute and I thought it was fun to have so many around
Deputron Road, Danby 101I’d never heard of this walk until earlier in the week — I put out a call to some of our regulars to come up with a really good new road walk — Hank (third from right) is a big bicycle rider and he discovered Deputron while riding — then it turned out that two of the ladies on the walk (who I didn’t poll) are very familiar with it too.
Deputron Road, Danby 130Impromptu birthday celebration when we got back to the cars — gorgeous morning, delightful time all around

More photos online:



Bonus: Annie’s photos of Marsh Road, just up the road from Deputron


Saturday March 5

Bock-Harvey Forest Preserve and Rieman Woods, Enfield
Bock-Harvey Preserve 005Lovely cool grey morning and a great walk if you like subtle shades of brown everywhere, which I very much do
Bock-Harvey Preserve 050If the “Bock” in Bock-Harvey sounds familiar, yes, it’s our regular hiker Dave B, in the background here with Joanna — they’ve been wintering over in NC but they were back home for a visit and it was fun to see them. Both are still recuperating from major surgeries — Joanna has a new knee and Dave had a big ankle repair done.
Bock-Harvey Preserve 069I’m color blind so I asked Tiger to tell me whether we’d seen any other colors besides brown — no, she said, and then she pointed out there are almost no evergreens anywhere along this walk except a very few planted as decoration around the few scattered houses.
Bock-Harvey Preserve 161I love scenery of nothing but muted browns and tans myself and we don’t have many hikes that are such a consistent mix of brown fields and brown woods
Bock-Harvey Preserve 104Official head count: 19 hikers, five dogs
Bock-Harvey Preserve 119Could a one-armed person do this walk comfortably? Good Dennis managed fine with his right arm strapped to his chest. There are two very nasty steep ditches he neeed help with, but so did some other hikers, including me.

More photos online:





Sunday March 6

Abbott Loop, north leg from Michigan Hollow Road to The Pinnacles look-out, Danby SF
Abott Loop north to The Pinnacles 164I hope everyone’s gotten the message that the photos I embed in these hike reports are clickable again. I like classic group line-up shots in theory — but in practice they’re often wretched, faces too small, so badly focused you can hardly recognize people — I promise, at least you can enlarge any group shots I run here — just click once, and then click again or twiddle the wheel on your mouse — and they’ll always be in enough focus that they’re not blurry — though they may not be super-crisp.
Abott Loop north to The Pinnacles 073I mentioned recently that I want to make up a list of our ten toughest hikes — I suspect this one will be in the final 10 — the trail’s really quite steep in several spots, and the uphills just keep coming
Abott Loop north to The Pinnacles 138The first group of us just managed to make it to the look-out in 60 minutes — it took a few minutes more for the somewhat slower people to arrive — and a number of hikers failed to make it at all in time for the group shot — it’s always fun when you get to the top of the hill, it has a nice festive feeling to it.
Abott Loop north to The Pinnacles 094Many scenic woodland spots along the way — a bit dark for taking photos but delightfully atmospheric
Abott Loop north to The Pinnacles 172**
Abott Loop north to The Pinnacles 054Official head count: 28 hikers, six dogs

More photos by me online here, including another version of the look-out line-up shot where the faces are larger

Report to Hikers: week of Feb 22-Feb 28

Hello Hikers!

Tuesday Feb 23

Abbott Loop from Michigan Hollow Road east, Danby SF
Abbott Loop east from Michigan Hollow Road 143We hiked a day earlier than normal to beat the big rainstorm moving up from the south — delightful morning in a beautiful woods, but it left me a little disoriented for the rest of the week. We almost always do our midweek hikes on Wednesdays — very rarely, on Thursdays — I can’t remember ever doing one on a Tuesday before — I kept finding myself confused about what day it was — realized I orient my mental weekly schedule entirely around a Wednesday hike without even thinking about it
Abbott Loop east from Michigan Hollow Road 135The photos I’ve used in this hike report, and Jack V’s nature shots as well, will make you think this is a level trail. In fact, it’s one of our steepest. I was thinking about this afterwards and I decided I might try making up a list of our 10 toughest hikes. I sent out an e-mail to our regulars asking for their thoughts — turned into possibly our biggest discussion thread ever.
Abbott Loop east from Michigan Hollow Road 106This is one of several walks we do where you climb up one side of a hill and then go down the other, so you end up having uphills on both legs of the walk. I like the far side of this hill because it’s quite wet, with several picturesque streams and soggy areas that are fun to navigate.
Abbott Loop east from Michigan Hollow Road 086We were right around the freezing mark and there was a nice mix of soft snow and a little left-over ice — hard to know whether to wear foot traction or not — the trail was a bit choppy in spots and the traction can make it worse on your ankles

Abbott Loop east from Michigan Hollow Road 056Lovely sunshine effect in the pine woods that cover the first half of this hike — it’s really a first-rate stretch — if you’re not too out of breath to appreciate it.
Abbott Loop east from Michigan Hollow Road 023Official head count: 12 hikers and Yoda. Our super-regular hiker Good Dennis should have hiked with us but he chose to go skiing instead — took a bad fall — broken collarbone — surgery, with a plate in the chest — he’s hoping to rejoin us fairly soon.

More photos online:


Jack V

Second great hiking weekend in a row  —  mild Saturday, spring-like Sunday

Saturday Feb 27

Carter Creek loop, Connecticut Hill Wildlife Management Area

Carter Creek loop, Connecticut Hill 205

Wonderful morning  —  nothing special to report

Carter Creek loop, Connecticut Hill 114


Carter Creek loop, Connecticut Hill 181


Carter Creek loop, Connecticut Hill 156


Carter Creek loop, Connecticut Hill 137

Official head count:  18 hikers, three dogs.  I want to give a special shout-out to Dave G for leading us around.

Carter Creek loop, Connecticut Hill 212

More photos online:



Jack V


Sunday Feb 28

Shindagin Hollow SF, east from Braley Hill Road on the FLT

Shindagin Hollow SF FLT 037

First time we ever did this trail — now I’m wondering why I never scheduled it before — it’s not like it’s hidden away in some obscure part of the county — we’ve been hiking right nearby for years — in fact it couldn’t be a more obvious walk to do

Shindagin Hollow SF FLT 098

I’m sorry it took so long for me to wake up to this one — it’s an excellent trail, above average in general, and part of the walk is quite stunning

Shindagin Hollow SF FLT 108

The trail takes us right along the edge of an extremely steep, deep and dramatic precipice for quite a long stretch. We were walking in a mix of soft snow and slippery dirt, and the path is slightly tilted toward the drop-off for part of the time, so it was a little more exciting than I like, and I had to bushwhack extensively to keep back from the rim. I wish I’d gotten a photo of the ravine but there was no way I was going to walk up to the edge and then spend time fiddling with the camera to get a shot that captured the scene.

There was some question before we started out whether people should wear foot traction — I said no — then, when it was so slippery along the ravine, there was a bit of grumbling that I’d given bad advice. Possibly ….

Shindagin Hollow SF FLT 050

A very satisfying number of stream crossings along this trail — I always enjoy these, the need to hop and jump and the constant risk of getting your shoes wet ….

Shindagin Hollow SF FLT 171

Official head count: 25 hikers, five dogs

More photos online:



Jack V

Report to Hikers: week of Feb 16-Feb 22

Hello Hikers!


Wednesday Feb 17

Road walk, Hill Road and Curtis Road, South Danby
Hill Road and Curtis Road, So Danby 194We got into hiking along deserted country roads a year ago when the snow in the woods was too deep to hike there. I’d never done it seriously before and I immediately loved walking on a picturesque rural road just as much as hiking in a forest. This year we obviously don’t have a snow-depth problem but I’ve been eager for a road walk anyway.
Hill Road and Curtis Road, So Danby 128To be great, a road walk should have all of the following, IMO: Rolling terrain — long views — mix of farms, fields and woods — mix of active farms and decayed ones — basically no traffic — and horses. I also like local dogs that run out to engage with us, but not all the hikers appreciate that. This walk had everything but the dogs.
Hill Road and Curtis Road, So Danby 053We had a little excitement beforehand — a mess of slush, ice and wintery mix until shortly before hike time — we had some chitchat online about what to do — could have been nasty, and it held down attendance; several hikers said afterwards they assumed the roads would be awful  — in fact, our roads were neatly plowed and easy to walk on.
Hill Road and Curtis Road, So Danby 090A road with open stretches can be windy but this one wasn’t bad and the temperature was pretty mild — dramatically cloudy and then the sub peeked through near the end to spectacular effect.
Hill Road and Curtis Road, So Danby 109I’m a sucker for old barns and I thought this one would make a great photo backdrop — we have two regular Dennises, Good Dennis and Bad Dennis — I liked how this scene with the dark area worked out — Good Dennis looking a little bit Bad —
Hill Road and Curtis Road, So Danby 113…. a second later the background looked entirely different and he was smiling sweetly.
Hill Road and Curtis Road, So Danby 212Official head count: Eight hikers and Yoda

More photos online:


Jack V


Saturday Feb 20

Stevens Suspension Bridge, Cornell fields, Fall Creek bluffs and Park Park, Forest Home
Stevens Suspension Bridge 111When it’s 50 and the sun is dazzling and the snow is melting under your feet, you don’t need me to tell you it was a great morning
Stevens Suspension Bridge 089This is one of our easiest hikes — just one uphill — the rest is all beautiful flats
Stevens Suspension Bridge 160Maybe on a different day we’d want to rush along trying to get warm, but it was so fantastic out, we pretty much dawdled quite a bit, just soaking up the fantastic sensation of a spring day
Stevens Suspension Bridge 178I thought the light had a special quality, probably a combination of reflection from the snow and from the stunning blue of the sky
Stevens Suspension Bridge 076Official head count: 27 hikers, six dogs

You can see more photos online by me here


Sunday Feb 21

Woodard Road NW to Hines Road, Enfield
Woodard Road NW, Enfield 196Second wonderful morning in a row on the trail — more or less made up for missing both hikes last weekend
Woodard Road NW, Enfield 185The snow was gone from some areas under the trees but a couple of inches deep in other spots, making for a very pleasing variety — upper thirties the whole time — nice gloomy quality to the light, very atmospheric
Woodard Road NW, Enfield 192This walk is always a little challenging and it was more strenuous than usual because the snow was soft and a bit slippery — a lot of us were wearing microspikes — not really necessary but they give a nice sense of security
Woodard Road NW, Enfield 168It just so happens you can completely bypass the lively ups and downs on the return leg of the walk by taking a level shortcut on the road — seems like we always lose a number of hikers at this point — of course each and every one always has a great excuse for needing to get back sooner
Woodard Road NW, Enfield 117Just before we turn around, the trail brings us to a large and striking conference and party center for rent out in the middle of nowhere — I never manage to get it into a photo with the hikers — it’s off to the left in this shot ….
Woodard Road NW, Enfield 142…. and off to the left in this shot — unfortunately our two nature photogs were both out of town all weekend so there’s no shot of it you can see this time
Woodard Road NW, Enfield 014Official head count: 24 hikers, four dogs

You can see nine more photos by me online here