Report to Hikers: week of April 11-April 17

Hello Hikers!

Tuesday April 12

Bald Hill Road from Station Road to Michigan Hollow Road, Danby — road walk
Bald Hill Road - road walk 044Another unusually lovely morning in the woods, just three days after our fabulous hike at Taughannock Falls SP in falling snow — this time it had rained heavily a few hours earlier and the trees and shrubs were still wet and sparkling in the bright sun, and there was a lot of moisture in the air — I’ll now generalize and say that most of the very best hikes I’ve done over the years have involved rain or snow, either during the walk or just before, or a storm very close by
Bald Hill Road - road walk 084This was our second road walk in our new Tuesday morning series — this road runs north-south through Danby SF parallel to Michigan Hollow Road — we cross it when we take the Abbott Loop up to The Pinnacles but I’ve never spent more than a few minutes on the road itself — I was a little surprised at how good a walk it is, generally a smooth and level surface, and the scenery is first-rate. Evidence of logging here and there. You get the sense there’s rarely a vehicle passing.
Bald Hill Road - road walk 101As many of you know, I love dark pine woods — we came upon a really beautiful stretch here — I can never resist trying to pose the hikers against such an atmospheric setting — we tried a group shot …. though half the group wasn’t in the shot — Sabine took this and you can see me if you’re interested (no more complaints I never use photos of myself)


I took the opportunity to try a few mug shots against the pines too — that’s Good Dennis, who was doing something with his jaw that made him look extremely masculine — Jim R — our nature photographer Jack V — and, without pines, Katharine in a new hair style
2016-04-12 Bald Hill Road - road walkAnnie reappeared on the trail for a little while after being laid up with plantar fasciitis but she had to turn back quite soon

Official head count, 17 hikers and three dogs

More photos online

Jack V


Wednesday April 13

Robert Treman SP on the FLT up from Route 13

Treman SP - FLT 079I’m putting this uphill walk from Route 13 to upper Treman on my forthcoming list of our toughest hikes. It was perfect weather for a hike but we had some grumbling as the climb went on and on — then I got word that our super-regular Brenda had thrown in the sponge — she sat down on a log and said she wasn’t going any higher — Brenda has a chronically very bad back but she generally soldiers on no matter what — so for her to drop out means this one gets a rating of five for steepness.
Treman SP - FLT 096**

Treman SP - FLT 116It’s really beautiful all the way up, and at the top, which makes the tough climb more bearable. And coming back down is great.
Treman SP - FLT 054Official head count: 20 hikers, two dogs
Treman SP - FLT 052That’s our newest photographer Sabine wearing the camera around her neck — she takes the photos but she doesn’t know how to download them or edit them, so she uses my backup camera and I take it home and choose and crop her shots — so if you see something you don’t like, blame me, not her

More photos online:

Jack V

Saturday April 16

Bob Cameron Loop, Connecticut Hill

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASomething different this time — I’m using five shots by Sabine and three from Jack V but none of my own to illustrate this report — I put some shots of mine online you can check out if you want; they’re technically OK but I think they’re a little dull compared to the photos I’m using here

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“This is the nicest day of the year so far,” one of the hikers said as we turned into the woods — maybe not everyone would agree, but it certainly was beautiful out — no signs of spring but the setting had a gorgeous sun-drenched quality that was delightfully spring-like

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI don’t want to sound treacly but I think this shot of Sabine’s captures the springy mood, with the hot colors and the smiling faces lined up like a row of flowers blooming in the sun

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGenerally terrible conditions for taking photos — sun too blindingly bright, harsh shadows, confusing sun-and-shade effects, very poor contrast between the people and the backgrounds — you can see in this shot that the ladies in the shade look good but the hikers in the background are seriously melted and bleached out.

I was very curious how we’d make out crossing the deep ravine — we brought a rope and trowel as advertised — four of us in the group had handicaps — two significant spine problems, one broken collarbone still not healed, and me — I now have a condition called ataxia that causes me to feel like I’m always going to fall over.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHere’s the ravine, as captured by jack V. As you can see, it’s pretty deep and the walls are steep — luckily the ground was a little muddy and soft and it was possible to just slide down gracefully on your ass. No rope or trowel needed.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMaybe I look a little dazed climbing up the other side but in fact it went very smoothly for me and everyone else.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOne group of hikers decided to venture upstream rather than try the deep ravine, and they found an easier crossing, though it involved some bushwhacking. (Photo by Sabine.)

Official head count: 23 hikers, four dogs

Regular hiker Bad Dennis is recuperating from minor leg surgery — he shaped up anyway but he turned back quite early and walked back through the woods alone. He called me in the afternoon to say he’d seen what he was sure was the paw print of a small bear — “what if it was a cub and the mother was nearby and attacked you?” I said — this is why I never want to hike alone around here.

More photos online:

Jack V

Sunday April 17

Monkey Run Natural Area, south side of Fall Creek, Varna
Monkey Run - Varna 037Wonderful morning on the trail, wildflowers and green shoots everywhere, creek sparkling and shimmering, just a great day to be outside.

Official head count: 36 hikers, two dogs
Monkey Run - Varna 069Here we are where the trail emerges from the woods and you find yourself abruptly on top of a high bluff that drops precipitously down to the creek more than 100 feet below — our nature photogs always have shots that sort of suggest the scene — but you really need to be there to get the full stunning effect, it’s quite extraordinary
Monkey Run - Varna 167At the big Cornell fields — I herd everyone over here every time because I love the views — but sometimes the hikers are so busy schmoozing they don’t even look up — this time they were good, they actually walked out into the open a little and seemed to be looking around
Monkey Run - Varna 207This isn’t the darkest pine grove we do on our hikes but it’s one of my favorites — I love the atmosphere — the timing of this hike is such that we invariably have to turn back and head for the cars here — I realize I haven’t said anything for a while about precisely how long our hikes have been lasting — don’t think I’ve lost interest in this topic — the little group I was walking with got back to the parking lot in exactly two hours flat.

More photos online:

Jack V

Report to Hikers: week of April 4-April 10

Hello Hikers!

Tuesday April 5

Leonard Road and Bald Hill School Road, Brooktondale — road walk
Leonard Road - road walk 083If you ever wake up on a hike morning and it seems horribly cold, don’t just say, OK, no hike for me today, and decide to do something else. Pay attention to the thermometer and be patient. It was an unexpectedly frigid 1 above at the airport at 7 AM — two hours later, it had shot up to 19 — by our 10 AM start time, it was plenty mild enough for a nice walk.
Leonard Road - road walk 086This was the first road walk in our new weekly road walk series — we tried out two absolutely deserted deep-country roads in central Brooktondale. No houses at all, and from the tire tracks in the snow it looked like maybe 3-4 vehicles at most had driven on Leonard Road in the past 24 or so hours — on Bald Hill School Road, it was clear just one vehicle had gone by. We were in the middle of the woods the whole time. We had a delightful time.
Leonard Road - road walk 088As a bonus, there was a picturesque farm on the corner of Central Chapel Road and Leonard Road where we parked — always the sign of a good hike.
Leonard Road - road walk 101Official head count: 11 hikers and Yoda

More photos online by Jack V here


Wednesday April 6

Potato Hill SF, Caroline
Potato Hill SF 146I was thinking about what to say about this hike and I had a vague sense there was something odd about it — then I realized it was the first time in our entire 2015-16 winter that we walked in snow up over our shoes. Having some real snow cover for a change was a lot fun — but I must say I also enjoyed all the many hikes we did without snow.
Potato Hill SF 058**

Potato Hill SF 174This walk has a woods part and a field part — the field’s very dramatic, with deep views into Pennsylvania — the woods are more low-key …. sometimes they can seem a bit scrubby …. but there’s a lot of very atmospheric dark massing along the edges, and for some reason I find them satisfying.
Potato Hill SF 139Official head count: 13 hikers and Yoda
Potato Hill SF 023You can see more photos by me online here

Saturday April 9

Taughannock Falls rim trail
Taughannock rim trail 059This was our most beautiful hike in quite a long time. It was snowing on the drive from town to the trail head and for most of the hike, not hard but steadily. The lighting was very dark and it had a wonderful luminous quality. The snow stuck to everything and this really lit up all the fantastic details of the gorge and put a bright layer on the dark pine trees. A lovely mist hung over the whole park. It was an extraordinary scene.
Taughannock rim trail 083The snow stopped about 11 and the change in mood was striking. It was still a nice morning out but all the special qualities disappeared immediately.

A couple of personal matters:
Taughannock rim trail 093Regular hiker Robin turned 65. We sang her the special 65th birthday version of Happy Birthday, “Welcome to Medicare.”
Taughannock rim trail 122Occasional hiker Barbara was just back on the trail after a long period suffering from plantar fasciitis — a number of hikers have been badly plagued with foot and ankle problems recently.
Taughannock rim trail 027Official head count: 18 hikers, four dogs

More photos online:

Jack V
(Our regular hike and nature photographer Annie is still laid up with plantar fasciitis)

Sunday April 10

Michigan Hollow Road to Bald Hill Road and The Pinnacles on the south leg of the Abbott Loop, Danby SF
Abbott Loop, south leg 018We had a wonderful adventure hike today, the first in a long while — great fun!
Abbott Loop, south leg 050Let me get the official head count out of the way before I start the narrative: 32 hikers, eight dogs


The excitement began as we approached a big level area about 1/3 of the way up the hill, where several streams come together and the trail crosses back and forth across the water repeatedly.

We hit high water everywhere and lots of slippery rocks and submerged branches coated with ice on top. It may not look like much in the photos but the crossings were very challenging for many of us. A number of people slipped and slid a bit and got a touch of wet feet, including me. As I mentioned recently, my balance is now messed up (due to a nerve disorder) so crossing a stream can be surprisingly thrilling for me. I’m the bent-over figure in the bright green nanopuff hoody in the shot above — here I am again in the background as Brenda inches her way across.


It’s not very often that I use photos of myself in these hike reports — these shots are from a new photographer we had today, Sabine, filling in during Annie’s absence — Sabine likes to take photos of people but she takes a somewhat different approach than I do — I tend to crop in closely on the hikers, while Sabine takes a somewhat longer approach and shows the hikers in more of the setting. You can get a better idea of what the scenery looked like in her shots.
Abbott Loop, south leg 169It was very slow going for a lot of us through the wet area, and the group got extremely spread out. Most people turned around well before they got to Bald Hill Road — but a small group of speed demons pushed on and got all the way to the look-out — Barbara got an iPhone shot to mark the event (if the photo won’t load at the link, click “View Original” up near the top  —  that should work).
Abbott Loop, south leg 132I was urged to give a special shout-out to Carlton, who revealed a talent for improvising stream crossings with well-placed stones that made it possible for some of the hikers to cross spots they wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. Carlton said he grew up playing in mud and water and he really enjoyed this walk. There was quite a bit of mud but it was semi-frozen so it wasn’t a major problem.
Abbott Loop, south leg 173I do take a longer-view photo once in a while myself — that’s Casey off the trail and taking a shortcut up the hill — I thought the scenery looked fabulous in general and I still love this hike just as much.

More photos online:

Jack V, who was really bowled over by the water and the ice

Report to Hikers: week of March 28-April 3

Hello Hikers!

Wednesday March 30

Mundy Wildflower Garden along Fall Creek to Cornell Dairy Bar

Mundy Wildflower Garden 199Never hiked in Europe but I gather they have many hikes that terminate at a picturesque café or pub — this is our version — gorgeous walk through some very bucolic areas along Fall Creek — not sure if the new Dairy Bar qualifies as picturesque, but it’s definitely a fun place to sit around for a little while

Mundy Wildflower Garden 060**

Mundy Wildflower Garden 072The Cornell lands along Fall Creek as it approaches and sideswipes the campus are surprisingly lovely — you really get the sense you’re out in the woods, or at least on the edge of some lightly settled area

Mundy Wildflower Garden 108**

Mundy Wildflower Garden 175**

Mundy Wildflower Garden 181But the delightful thing is that you can then make a turn or take a side path and you’re at a fantastic place like the observatory or the botanical gardens — where large amounts of money have been invested over many years to create fanciful, sophisticated structures — and there’s typically no one else around you need to share the scene with

Mundy Wildflower Garden 041Official head count: 19 hikers, two dogs

You can see more photos by me online here. Both our nature photogs were absent.


Saturday April 2

South Danby Road east to the Tamarack Lean-to on the FLT

Tamarack Lean-to 070It was raining a little when we got to the trail head — stopped just before we set off —beautiful mix of overcast and sun-and-clouds for the walk — started to rain hard about two minutes after we got back — couldn’t have been timed better!

Tamarack Lean-to 171**

Tamarack Lean-to 147This is such a beautiful hike, the way the light comes between the trees, the springy soft carpet of pine needles, the rows of lined-up tree trunks stretching away

Tamarack Lean-to 136Randy (left) really likes to cook, and he announced he’s going to grill chicken for our July 30 cook-out.  We were all happy to hear this  —  it makes the cook-out more festive, and it’s very good news  —  assuming you like chicken.  But we tend to have a picky group  —  Randy brought a dish made with wheat noodles to our Easter get-together — not grasping just how many of our hikers won’t eat wheat  —  he was disappointed more wasn’t eaten until he caught on  —  gluten!

Tamarack Lean-to 159Those are tamarack trees behind our hikers sitting at the lean-to table — I always mean to try and look at the trees closely to see what makes them special — never can remember to do it when I’m actually there — I do like the effect they make as a backdrop for this shot

Tamarack Lean-to 051Official head count: 25 hikers, five dogs

More photos online:

Jack V


Sunday cancellation

The high wind gusts kept blowing over 40 mph until at least 10 AM, according to the weather station at the airport. Tiger and I walked up the hill from Fall Creek to the arts quad at 10:30. Streets completely deserted. We walked along the middle of the roads just to be extra careful and stay way from the overhanging branches, though the tree crews from the city have been very active in the neighborhood recently, trimming and cutting extensively. Nice out, not too cold, but definitely unusually windy on the libe slope. I looked online trying to see what wind speed becomes truly dangerous — info not very consistent, but it sounded like gusts over 47 mph can definitely bring branches down.

Report to Hikers: week of Mar 21-Mar 27

Hello Hikers!

Wednesday March 23

Six Mile Creek, south side rim trail
Six Mile Creek, south rim trail 028I’m not bragging, just stating a fact, when I say that, if you start hiking with us, even if you’ve lived here for a long time, you’ll soon find yourself on trails you’ve never seen before. Everyone comments on it. If you like seeing new sights, this is a big benefit of hiking with our group.
Six Mile Creek, south rim trail 071This trail along Six Mile Creek is maybe the most striking case of all — so close to downtown and so surprisingly wild — you’d never know it’s there unless you’re unusually curious, or someone shows you. It runs parallel to the very popular and attractive South Hill Rec Way, which is a groomed, wide and gentle walking and jogging boulevard that gets heavy use — if you turn off this in several unmarked spots, you immediately find yourself in the kind of rugged deep woods setting we find in the state forests far out of town — rocky streams, narrow bumpy paths, sheer drops, mysterious trails branching off to the side

Six Mile Creek, south rim trail 083**

Six Mile Creek, south rim trail 104Sandra was making her first hike here on Wednesday and she really got a kick out of it

Six Mile Creek, south rim trail 117Official head count: 17 hikers, one dog

More photos online:

Jack V

No photos from Annie  — couldn’t hike at all this week  —  plantar fasciitis


Saturday March 26

Robinson Hollow SF, Tioga County
Robinson Hollow SF 007I wanted to be a farmer when I was a boy — I’d like to live on a farm now (provided someone else did all the work) — so I really enjoy it when there’s a farm right at the start of one of our hikes, as we have in a couple of cases — these two beautiful work horses live just a few hundred feet from the Robinson Hollow trail head, and Sabine walked over without me prompting her — there’s also a cow and chickens — really creates a great feeling of being out in the country
Robinson Hollow SF 081I’m still thinking about a list of our most strenuous hikes — I think our people would agree this is one of them
Robinson Hollow SF 107We managed to get pretty far into the hemlock forest part of this walk — it was fairly dark under the trees and I forgot to adjust my camera so none of my photos came out — I realized that the trail under the hemlocks is is quite rough and bumpy and now I’m working on a theory that hemlock groves tend to produce poor quality walking conditions, too many roots and snags
Robinson Hollow SF 138Beautiful morning, no signs of spring but a lovely dazzling sun and nice temps
Robinson Hollow SF 057Official head count: 24 hikers, six dogs

More photos online:

Jack V


Easter Sunday

Lick Brook, followed by a get-together at Hobit’s

Lick Brook 060**

Lick Brook 208Gorgeous morning on a great trail, and a wonderful holiday party

Lick Brook 145Official head count for the walk:  28 hikers, six dogs

A handful of the walkers couldn’t make it to the get-together, but a number of additional people who weren’t able to hike showed up, and we had a big crowd.  We got a chance to catch up with Hobit’s teenage son Jake, who’s into tumbling

Lick Brook 213**

Lick Brook 158At one point on the trail we found ourselves right across the street from the home of super-regular hiker Sabine  —  you can see her house and pond in the additional photos I put online

Lick Brook 066As announced, I didn’t do the whole walk  —  but the parts I did do were completely satisfying and beautiful

More photos online:


Jack V

Report to Hikers: week of March 14-March 20

Hello Hikers!

Wednesday March 16

Ellis Hollow Nature Preserve
Ellis Hollow NP 015This is one of our more attractive hikes, but it never comes out looking that way in my photos, for several reasons — try as I do, it always comes out looking like a blah walk — just be aware that’s not the case
Ellis Hollow NP 027For one thing, the nicest stretches are very dark — one of the few places with any light are the stream crossings — I’m always slightly hoping someone will fall in so I can get an action shot, never happens
Ellis Hollow NP 071Really the only other parts of the walk where there’s enough light for photography are the hardwood areas when the leaves are down — always comes out looking pretty generic to me
Ellis Hollow NP 043Besides above-average scenery, this walk is notable for some unusually steep ups and downs — they don’t last long but they’re a little challenging when you’re actually navigating one
Ellis Hollow NP 116We had a little bit of excitement — regular hiker Vicki has gotten a new puppy, some kind of German hunting dog named Sylvie — she made her first appearance on the trail with us — Yoda generally doesn’t like puppies so it was interesting to see how he’d respond — didn’t seem very interested
Ellis Hollow NP 048Official head count: 17 hikers, six dogs

After the walk we drove about a mile to the house of regular hiker Marianne for coffee and lemon cake — delightful place on two acres on a big cul de sac — Marianne laid out a very nice little spread — I was quite taken by a beautiful pond she created in her back yard

More photos online:


Saturday March 19

Potomac trails, Finger Lakes National Forest
Potomac Road, Finger Lakes National Forest 051One thing I forgot to mention when I announced this hike is that there can be a lot of mud in springtime — in fact, it was very muddy — but in a big stroke of good luck for us, it was cold enough overnight and at hike time for the mud to freeze, so we were pretty much able to cruise over the top — given the amount of mud here, that made a huge difference.
Potomac Road, Finger Lakes National Forest 063I’ve walked before on part of the route we did this time, but a lot of the loop that Jack V laid out was new to me — both Tiger and I thought it was the best hike we’ve done in the national forest to date.
Potomac Road, Finger Lakes National Forest 082Really wonderful variety — ponds, a variety of fields, old country roads, great long views — not sure what we were looking at …. I usually don’t care exactly what it is, I just like the feeling of spaciousness — some very nice woods. Just one complaint — there were some boardwalks in the woods and they were quite slippery with old moss

Potomac Road, Finger Lakes National Forest 113**

Potomac Road, Finger Lakes National Forest 116**

Potomac Road, Finger Lakes National Forest 153Official head count: 25 hikers, three dogs

More photos online:

Jack V


Sunday March 20

Shindagin Hollow SF, FLT to the lean-to and South Road
Shindagin lean-to 035I really like everything about this walk — except the footpath — it’s very bumpy for long stretches because of protruding roots and snags, and sometimes also extremely muddy. Nothing to do about the rough footing, but now I realize we can avoid the mud by hiking when it’s frozen — we had a generally easy time of it Sunday in the high 20s
Shindagin lean-to 107Now I’m also thinking maybe the walk is a little more strenuous than I believed — what I used to think was level, I now see is steadily uphill on the outbound leg — another good reason to come here when it’s on the cool side

Shindagin lean-to 143Our regulars who are accustomed to this walk all pretty much ignore the big cairn landmark when we reach it now, but new people generally show an interest — our first-timers Katy and Sandy actually jumped in and started to work on a tiny side cairn someone else had started

Shindagin lean-to 232Scenery always beautiful here and it looked especially lovely in a nice not-too dark overcast

Shindagin lean-to 225Official head count: 24 hikers, three dogs

More photos online:

Jack V