Report to Hikers: week of May 9-May 15


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday May 11

Road walk NW of Perry City

Perry City road walk 001Bower Road at Burr Road, Schuyler County  —  farm country!

Perry City road walk 129Absolutely perfect May morning  —  one hiker who knows birds said the fields and meadows were full of bobolinks

Perry City road walk 076The stretch of Bower we walked on had just been wetted down by a highway truck  —  delightful touch of freshness  —  otherwise, dusty!

Perry City road walk 028One micro-burst of excitement, while we were waiting to start  —  huge milk tanker truck passed in a cloud of dust  —  otherwise, no traffic at all

Perry City road walk 123This hike was conceived by our nature photographer Jack V, who lives a few miles away from this corner on Grove Road.  Best road walk we’ve done so far, IMO

Perry City road walk 054Official head count:  18 hikers, three dogs

More photos online:



Jack V



Saturday May 14

Stevens Suspension Bridge, Cornell golf course, Cornell horse barns and Park Park

R0096564_editedAnother gorgeous green morning

R0096590_editedR0096602_editedR0096618_editedR0096636_editedR0096667_editedR0096673_editedR0096692_editedOfficial head count:  16H, five D

More photos online by Jack V here



Sunday May 15

Hammond Hill SF, Dryden

Aviary Photo_131078636247306910Lovely dark cool morning, a little breezy  —   even a few flakes of snow!

Aviary Photo_131078635208717009Aviary Photo_131078634411794445Aviary Photo_131078621269586934Aviary Photo_131078633680328076Aviary Photo_131078631553935897Official head count:  22H, fiveD (not everyone shown here)

Check out Jack V’s photos online here


Report to Hikers: week of May 2-May 8


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday May 4

Michigan Hollow Road to Bald Hill Road on the FLT, with a stop at Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF

Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF 043Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF 011Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF 065-001Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF 072Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF 088Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF 100Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF 121Chestnut Lean-to, Danby SF 126Official head count:  18 hikers + Yoda

More photos online:


Jack V


Saturday May 7

Six Mile Creek, Mulholland Wildflower Preserve to Potter’s Falls

6 Mile Creek wildflower walk 0116 Mile Creek wildflower walk 0136 Mile Creek wildflower walk 0616 Mile Creek wildflower walk 0736 Mile Creek wildflower walk 0856 Mile Creek wildflower walk 0926 Mile Creek wildflower walk 1216 Mile Creek wildflower walk 1276 Mile Creek wildflower walk 165Official head count:  34 hikers, five dogs

More photos online:


Jack V


Sunday May 8

Monkey Run Natural Area, north side of Fall Creek, Hanshaw Road

Monkey Run north side 072Monkey Run north side 125Monkey Run north side 182Monkey Run north side 216Monkey Run north side 230Monkey Run north side 243Monkey Run north side 247Monkey Run north side 270Official head count:  28 hikers, five dogs

More photos online:



Report to Hikers: week of April 25-May 1

Hello Hikers!


Wednesday April 27

Smiley Hill Road and Hill Road, Danby SF — road walk
Hill Road, Danby SF - road walk 028

Fourth hike of the week abruptly cancelled: An epidemic of plantar fasciitis!


Regular hikers exhausted: “I need a day to rest between hikes!”


Wednesday hikes will now alternate road and woods walks


Second largest midweek head count of the last 12 months: 24 hikers (plus Yoda)


Schools off all week: Vacationing teachers take to the woods


First walk on dirt road running through Danby SF: Easy going, beautiful scenery
Hill Road, Danby SF - road walk 083**

Hill Road, Danby SF - road walk 093**

Hill Road, Danby SF - road walk 108**

Hill Road, Danby SF - road walk 115More photos online:





Saturday April 30

Rim trail, Shindagin Hollow SF gorge

Shindagin rim trail 014Lots of red trilliums — but where were all the white ones?


Bad advice on peak display from native plants expert


Hikers forced to make do with trout lilies and marsh marigolds


Clever young hiker catches a crayfish


Official head count: 23 hikers, six dogs

Shindagin rim trail 125**

Shindagin rim trail 150**

Shindagin rim trail 194**

Shindagin rim trail 218**

More photos online:


Jack V


Sunday May 1

Lindsay Parsons Biodiversity Preserve, West Danby

Lindsay Parsons Preserve 035“Don’t let some little rainstorm scare you off from hiking”


Intermittent light rain, chilly breeze, gloom create great atmospherics


Fields and woods finally turning green — wet conditions bring out vibrant colors


Lowest Sunday head count in well over a year — first time below 20 since Sept


Only hard core show up: 13 hikers and two dogs

Lindsay Parsons Preserve 038**

Lindsay Parsons Preserve 049**

Lindsay Parsons Preserve 056**

Lindsay Parsons Preserve 068**

Lindsay Parsons Preserve 093**

Lindsay Parsons Preserve 108**

Lindsay Parsons Preserve 114**

Special report: Trip to The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania

This report is by regular hiker Mary, who organized and coordinated a float trip on Monday:


On Monday, April 25th a group of eight Ithaca Hikers traveled 93 miles SW to Pine Creek Outfitters in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania to float (paddle) the creek.

Pine Creek Float 03_resizePine Creek gorge, often referred to as The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, is part of the Pennsylvania Scenic Waters system and designated a National Natural Landmark. However, the creek is typically only floatable March through May. Water levels on the creek fluctuate and paddlers have to be flexible about what they expect of their Pine Creek float experience.

This year, unlike last year, we were unable to float the canyon area. Instead, we were shuttled to the Upper Pine Creek area where we experienced class I and II rapids. We put-in at Galeton and floated to Ansonia. It was a beautiful day, 70 degrees and sunny. Though it wasn’t as dramatic as last year’s canyon float, we still enjoyed being on the water.


0425161158a~2As happenstance would have it, a group from Trumansburg (organized by a woman named Mary G.) floated at the same time we did. The PCO staff explained that they were initially confused as to whether they had only one group, organized by Mary, or two–silly because we did give our last names.


PCO guide Shannon on Paddle Board 2016Two groups meant more paddlers, so we used several types of crafts: kayaks, canoes, and a two-person rubber canoe and two of the guides used paddle boards. The variety of crafts on moving water created some real fun moments.

0425161220Very soon after we got going, an Osprey flew overhead; it had a small fish in its talons! I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture of it. We also saw many ducks, a few geese, kingfisher and other small birds.

Pine Creek Float 16_resizeWe stopped about halfway and had a very rustic lunch along the creek bank. Then got back into our boats and finished up about 3:30 p.m. We traveled about 3.5-4 hours on the water, much shorter than last year.
We (six of the eight Ithaca Hikers) stopped at the Wellsboro Country Club for dinner before heading back to town (a recommendation and reservation made by PCO staff). Little did we know that they offered only an abbreviated menu because their season hadn’t yet started. Our group however, sat on the large porch in chilly dining chairs that rocked gently, and ate our mediocre food, served with good drinks, by a cheerful and talkative waitstaff. We floated above any tug to complain about things that were less than what we hoped for, and rode small waves of time well spent–back home.

Report to Hikers: week of April 18-April 24

Hello Hikers!

Tuesday April 19

W Seneca Road and Burdick Road – Seneca County – road walk
Burdick Road, Trumansburg 098Our new Tuesday road walk program is only three weeks old and it’s already a huge success in my book. Some people like to walk only in the woods — maybe they like to see certain trees or flowers or birds or whatever — I don’t care about any of those things — what I like is to be out in the country — I care most about the mood and the feelings that a walk creates — a country road can be just as satisfying as a forest.
Burdick Road, Trumansburg 063I would certainly never have come out to this deserted area of mostly abandoned farmland right across the border in Seneca County if we didn’t have an organized walking program. We saw a handful of cars and a couple of working farms, but basically there’s nothing out here except empty fields, some still clear, the others filling in with brush and brambles and scrubby trees. This area is officially on the eastern edge of the Finger Lakes National Forest but it doesn’t at all resemble the parts of the FLNF we’re familiar with. The land rolls a little but it’s pretty much level, and it has a great deserted and slightly melancholy feeling to it.
Burdick Road, Trumansburg 068**

Burdick Road, Trumansburg 082**

Burdick Road, Trumansburg 073It was chilly, grey, surprisingly raw and drizzling a bit when we got to the meet-up, but once we got moving the drizzle ended and we all warmed up. It was fun to come upon the few active farms, but the expanse of empty land was very pleasing too.
Burdick Road, Trumansburg 091Toward the end the sun came out and the clouds piled up into a really dramatic formation and it was just gorgeous.

Official head count: Six hikers and Yoda.

More photos online:

Jack V

Wednesday April 20

Fischer Old Growth Forest, Newfield
Fischer Old Growth Forest 129This woodland preserve is advertised as a place of uniquely special character, and I imagine most of the people who come here are really into trees and plants. This typically means walking slowly and stopping a lot and looking at everything. Now, it’s a fact that, if you walk slowly enough, you can manage to get up even the steepest trails without too much effort. I once got my overweight and out-of-shape younger brother up the Buttermilk gorge trail by walking almost at a crawl — it took forever, but we succeeded.

Fischer Old Growth Forest 124But I’m much too impatient to go inching along here with our hikers, no matter how great the trees may be — so we always do this trail at our usual somewhat fast shuffle — the only stopping we do is to catch our breath.  And this time I realized clearly that the walk is an official ass-breaker — several of the ups and downs are genuine killers. So it’s going on my list-in-progress of our toughest hikes.
Fischer Old Growth Forest 093**

Fischer Old Growth Forest 101That’s not to scare anyone away — the woods here are exceptionally beautiful, and the terrain is wonderfully varied, with probably the most rapid and extreme changes in grade that we do anywhere.
Fischer Old Growth Forest 152The forest is owned by Cornell, and they recently bought an adjacent area of old fields, which makes a pleasing contrast to the shady gloom of the forest.
Fischer Old Growth Forest 052Official head count: 15 hikers and Yoda.

More photos online:

Jack V


Saturday April 23

South Danby Road west to the Abbott Loop, Danby SF
So Danby Road west 087Chilly grey dark morning — great atmospherics for this piney trail
So Danby Road west 061**

So Danby Road west 070We turned around at the little swampy area just beyond the junction with the Abbott Loop  — I directed the hikers to walk across the planks and then immediately turn and walk back so I could get a candid-looking photo — you can see how Susan L appreciated taking my directions
So Danby Road west 106Official head count: 21 hikers, three dogs
So Danby Road west 034More photos online:

Jack V


Sunday April 24

Virgil Creek Dam, Dryden
Virgil Creek Dam, Dryden 153Spectacular morning for walking around this odd flood-control earthworks project,
Virgil Creek Dam, Dryden 060This is a pretty minimalist place and you sometimes need some imagination to make it lively. So, for example, on the way out to the dam, we walked up a side hill and then back down the side hill. It happens to be private property and the farmer saw us and asked us to leave. (I generally have mixed feelings about high tension lines, but in this specific spot I find them very attractive on a sunny day when the sun is gleaming off them.)
Virgil Creek Dam, Dryden 082I myself love mud in the spring and we hit a good patch. I did get my feet wet navigating — no matter, mild morning and I had good socks on so my feet felt fine.

Not everyone appreciated our morning’s agenda. One hiker said it was boring to climb up a hill and then back down. “It’s a Zen thing,” I said. “No,” she said, “it’s like Sisyphus.” I thought that was funny, but the reality is, there’s not all that much to do here except to stretch things out with dumb little amusements.
Virgil Creek Dam, Dryden 212We came upon a seasonal pond with a bit of a racket coming from it. Sunday regular Jack B-2, who’s an animal behavior expert, said it was toads mating, which occurs only very briefly every year. Interesting sound.
Virgil Creek Dam, Dryden 172Here we are on top of the main berm, which is about 90 feet or so above the level of Virgil Creek far below — on a gorgeous morning like this one, you actually feel a bit like you’re on top of the world
Virgil Creek Dam, Dryden 223On the way out I challenged our resident daredevil Roger to touch an electrified cattle fence. He grew up on a farm so he knew how to proceed — he used a piece of grass. Very slight shock, he said. I was hoping for something more dramatic.

Our nature photographer Annie came out late and met up with us as we were heading back to the cars. She continues to have plantar fasciitis so she had to do a very truncated hike.
Virgil Creek Dam, Dryden 046Official head count: 27 hikers, seven dogs

More photos online:

Jack V
Annie took some shots but she wasn’t able to get them online. I’ll send the link on Thursday when I announce next weekend’s hikes. If you can’t wait, you can check the main home page of our nature photographers in a while — click here — the photo albums are sorted by date.