Hello Hikers!
Thanksgiving Day
Road walk from Ithaca HS into Cayuga Heights, followed by our Thanksgiving get-together in Fall Creek
We all knew it would be cold, obviously, but it was actually horrible at the meet-up because of a fierce wind probably caused by the nearness of the lake
We headed up through Lake View Cemetery into Cayuga Heights, and I was really hoping the wind would diminish a bit as we got away from the lake floodplain
When you leave the cemetery at the top and head up into the residential area, you immediately come to this mansion — estimated value just under $1 million — I’d love to live here
Sunset Park — great views — this is the whole group minus Jack V, who was standing beside me taking his own photos — 13H total
This is the view to the west
I love the way so many of the roads curve, and the way so much of the landscape was left in the natural state
Almost no cars and we saw I think just one person, a runner
This is the view to the south-southwest from Sunset Park
If you like cemeteries, Lake View is a great one — there’s a deep gorge on two sides and this adds a nice air of menace if you want to walk over and imagine falling off
Visually it was a beautiful day when we got back to the cars, but the wind was still blowing much too hard and it was raw and nasty back down on the flood plain — so it was extremely fun to have the get-together waiting for us just a few blocks away
Big turnout — loads of food — what a delightful way to pass a frigid afternoon
More photos:
Jack V
Sat Nov 24
Stevens Suspension Bridge to the Cornell golf course, horse barns and arboretum, Forest Home
Official head count: 21H, four D
Sun Nov 25
Woodard Road east into upper Treman SP, Enfield
We hit a problem trying to start the hike — the short final stretch of road up to the trail head was a treacherous sheet of ice — so we parked below in the regular Treman parking lot and walked up — those with good foot traction were able to waltz right up the hill on top of the ice
Very sloppy conditions, but it was actually possible to proceed without any foot traction at all by choosing your steps carefully
Fabulous atmospherics — mist and fog
Great hike, the best we’ve done in a while IMO, and we’ve done some really good ones recently.
Official head count: 22H, three D
More photos:
Jack V
Jack just got back from a trip to the Grand Canyon — you can see his photos here