Liz K wraps up this year’s cook-out

Greetings Friends,

What a spectacular day we had for the Hiker’s reunion picnic!  By all accounts, it was an overwhelming success.  The weather was perfect.  The chicken quarters were moist and flavorful.   The wait for grilled food was minimal.  A record number of people came (between 90-100!).  There were lots of great food on the dish-to-pass tables. And a good time was had by all.  THANK YOU.

A special shout out to Roger and Gunilla, Randy, Jack, Bud, Pat, Mary, Eckhart, and the very generous donor who wants to remain anonymous for all you guys did behind the scene.

Also a BIG thank you for everyone’s generous donation.  We have enough to pay for the website for the year, cash to give to Steven and Susan for the incidentals for other hiker related expenses ( for example sparkling wine at the New Year’s eve tailgate party)  and a nice gift certificate to REI so they can keep looking sharp while attending every hike.

Hope to see you on the trails, or around town,

Happy Hiking.

Liz Kyle


Liz and Gunilla, and Tiger’s back. I really love scenes with smoke that’s illuminated against a very dark background.

Liz always does a great job coordinating the food, and I don’t think anyone’s happier to have her handling it than Tiger and me. We used to do the food operation ourselves but Tiger hated it, and Liz felt I was heavy-handed and brusque. Liz really has a knack for this — she makes it seem effortless.

Report to Hikers: week of July 22-July 28

Hello Hikers!

Wed July 24

Bock-Harvey Forest Preserve and Riemen Woods, Enfield

A number of hikers didn’t make it into the group shots ….
Most of the walk is in the woods, but it was much too dark there to get any good shots

Official head count: 24H, four D

More photos:



Sat July 27

Treman SP, west on the FLT from Route 13

Tiger and I had to miss this hike — we were helping set up at the cook-out — photo by Vicki

Official head count: As an exercise, you can count yourself — be sure to add in Vicki


Sun July 28

Monkey Run Natural Area, south side of Fall Creek, Varna

I managed to get everyone but three people

Official head count: 27H, two D

More photos:


2019 Hikers’ Reunion Cook-out

Our food coordinator Liz K, vamping with balloons she was on the way to tie up along Route 13 to mark the entrance to Roger’s driveway
If you’re new to the web site, be aware that if you click on any photo, you’ll see a large high-resolution version pop up, which will let you see the details.

Official head count: As of 1 pm, that’s to say very early, the official count was 85H, already more people than we’ve ever had before — and new people were steadily rolling in. It seemed like the final total might well approach 100.

More photos:


Report to Hikers: week of July 15-July 21

Hello Hikers!

Thu July 18

Upper Buttermilk Falls SP and La Tourelle, from Yaple Rpad

Everyone who hiked made it into the group shot
It was supposed to get hot but it didn’t; it stayed cloudy and damp until we finished the hike, and it was very nice

Official head count: 14H, one D


Sat July 20

Hike cancelled — excessive heat and humidity


Sun July 21

Wooded areas along Fall Creek near Flat Rock

We managed to keep under the trees for almost the whole walk — so, even though it was in the low 80s and getting humid when we wrapped it up, we were pretty comfortable

Official head count: 23H, four D

Report to Hikers: week of July 8-July 14

Hello Hikers!

Wed July 10

Woods road walk through Danby SF — Curtis Road, South Danby

I managed to get everyone except one hiker
It can be tough to find a spot for photo-taking in summer where the light is not too harsh or too dark. I found some relatively clear light here, but it was a very small spot squeezed in at the edge of the road.
Before Curtis Road heads into the woods, it passes two lovely farms — I’d love to live here
Most of the walk is in the shade, though there are some areas of recent logging that are now opened up
Curtis Road ends at Fisher Settlement Road — it’s almost exactly an hour, and the perfect place to turn around
It was 82 by the time we got back to the cars, but it didn’t feel too bad — maybe it wasn’t that humid, or the road back wasn’t all that steep

Official head count: 16H, three D


Sat July 13

Shindagin Hollow SF — FLT east from Shindagin Hollow Road to South Road and beyond

I didn’t have time to take all the photos before the hike started, so I had to take this shot after we got back. The light on the road had changed drastically. I don’t care for this sun-and-shade effect — but if you have wrinkles or signs of aging, they can’t really be seen in this type of lighting.
There weere three additional hikers I wasn’t able to photograph.
Tiger said she snapped this shot because she liked the way Randy and I were mirroring each other with our postures.
As we hoped, there was almost no mud and it made a big difference — the walk is much better without it

Official head count: 18H, five D


Sun July 14

Danby SF loop trail — Comfort Road to Diane’s Crossing and back

This is what the meet-up spot looked like as the hikers were arriving — terrible conditions for photo-taking — but I managed to find a spot along the edge of Bald Hill Road where the light was OK, provided the hikers faced in precisely the right directioin
I didn’t work fast enough — had to skip four people
There was pretty much no mud on what can be a very muddy hike — but Bald Hill Road was very dry — this is dust raised by a car that passed.
We met three more hiking waiting for us at the entrance to the trail — no question of taking photos of them — we were in high gear by then
It was lovely in the woods, but too dark for the photos to work out
Beautiful morning — not hot

Official head count: 23H, seven D