Report to Hikers — week of Dec 27 — Jan 2

Hello Hikers!

The special pleasure of hiking our trails when you’ve grown up here

“With Ithaca being my hometown, I have decades of memories of everywhere I go around here”

By Jim

Norm and I exchanged a few emails about the Cayuga Nature Center after our recent hike there. A couple of our longer term hikers indicated on the day of the hike that it was their first visit there. That actually surprised me, just as the comments from some hikers in the past that they lived in Ithaca for 20+ years before they even thought to set foot on a local trail. After all, as I sometimes pointed out, we have people visit Ithaca who spend hundreds or thousands to come here and enjoy what we have around us in the natural world on a daily basis.

Norm sent me the photo of the historical marker that’s on the grounds of the Nature Center and indicated that he was unfamiliar with the term “preventorium” as used on the sign. Here is a link from their website to some of the history of the Nature Center:

History — Cayuga Nature Center

Norm asked that I forward the Wiki link below in case people might be interested:

Cayuga Nature Center – Wikipedia

The day of the hike I mentioned ( I think it was to Leah ) that I’d attended programs there as a kid, at which time it was still the Cayuga Preventorium and only open for programs during the summer months. I still have fond memories of the Preventorium grounds, of the groups of kids trekking through the woods, gathering around ponds on the Preventorium grounds ( that I have not been able to re-locate on more recent visits as an adult ) to learn about bugs and trees and all sorts of natural minutiae that seemed *cool* to a kid of that age.

During my recent downtown walk with the CTC hikers I mentioned to Gary Mallow that with Ithaca being my hometown, I have decades of memories of everywhere I go around here. That hike we walked down Linn St, which is where my dad grew up. After that hike and the later Christmas Day hike with Ithaca Hikers, I stopped in to see my dad and mentioned I’d been in his old neighborhood, and he shared the trivia tidbit that his house was the last house in the city of Ithaca by the 1950s that was still being heated exclusively by coal. We argued whether or not his old neighborhood has improved since the 1950s; I think it looks much better than decades ago, while he thinks that it hasn’t changed a bit…..

I had the same experience with Nancy H on our Hallows Eve walk downtown that was led by the History Center.

Ithaca has been a great place to grow up. I continue to get what seem to be surprised responses from hikers both new and old  when they find out I grew up here. I know that there aren’t many of us that you transplants probably run into on a regular basis. A lot of my peers rushed to leave town after graduation; some trickled back in as adults when they recognized that it would still be a good place to raise their own young families. The ones who stayed tend to be a cliquish group in their personal lives and who they associate with…

As a kid growing up in Ithaca exploring all it had to offer, I thought that everyone had a gorge in their backyard and that every town had a Collegetown. Stephen Hesse has said more than once that he thought it was a great way to grow up, to have a summer job working at the two local Treman State Parks ( it wasn’t bad, in my mind at the time; somehow those stairs on RH Treman’s Gorge Trail have gotten harder since I raced up them as  a teen and young 20-something loaded down with tools ).

Not entirely certain where I’m going with this, so I’ll end it here. Just a little bit of personal and local history, since we have just a few native residents in our hiking group, and some newer hikers who can measure their time in Ithaca in literally a handful of weeks. Enjoy what it has to offer while you are here. I sometimes forget that not everyone in the group sees or remembers Ithaca the same way I do.

Hope to see all of you on the trail again, sooner or later.


Wed Dec 29

Hike report and photo by Jim

Woodchuck Hollow Lean-to on the FLT, Cortland County

8 hikers and 2 dogs met on Carson Rd in Cortland County for a lollipop  hike of the FLT to Woodchuck Hollow Lean-To.

Fresh snow had fallen overnight, so there was a clean white  blanket of snow on the footpath, as well as a layer of snow highlighting the tree branches ( making for a nice visual effect ).

Periodically throughout the hike there were stretches of the trail in which we found our selves hiking through fog which cut visibility to near distances only.’ Very atmospheric, as we commented to each other along the way.

The initial climb up the hill from Carson Rd warmed us quickly. We crested the first ridgeline and hiked down the other side, approaching the first of several water crossings. The streams were well supplied, filling the forest around us with the chatter of flowing streams as it found its way to lower ground.

The FLT wanders through the forest here, rarely taking a straight approach in its travels through the tall stands of pine trees.

Finally arriving at the lean to we paused for a quick group photo and reviewed the map for the next leg of the hike. Passing the shelter we returned to the FLT, and shortly afterwards jumped onto a blue blazed trail that provided a shortcut back in the direction we had come from.

By now the temperatures were rising just enough that the forest was alive with the newer sounds of snow falling from the branches to the forest floor below.

Returning to the FLT we made our way back to Carson Rd and our cars.

This hike took about 45 minutes longer than normal, an issue that I don’t recall when we hiked this route last summer. I attribute the overage somewhat to this being a winter hike that slowed us down a little. I will be sure to plan accordingly the next time we visit this area.

A warm welcome to Kate and her canine hiking companion Cocoa on their first hike with the group!


Sat Jan 1

Hike report and four photos by Jim

Yellow Barn SF, Dryden

Happy New Years to all!

This was an unusual hike.

While it was January 1st, it was an unseasonably warm mid-40s during the hike

I advised the group at the outset that the lollipop loop portion of the ski trail was expected to exceed the usual hike time by an extra fifteen minutes, and that anyone needing a strict two hour hike duration would need to turn around early.

Cars were still pulling in as we set off, so to my best count we had thirty hikers and 8 dogs.

A general reminder to all, we start on time and wait for no one. On many hikes this is not an issue, as out and back hikes will at some point pick up stragglers. This was not a good hike to be late on.

The seasonal portion of Signal Tower Road was muddy and had the usual pools of water, especially given recent rains and snow melt. The footpath as always was a bit adventuresome and hikers sometimes had to pick their footing carefully while skirting the pools of water lest they find themselves involuntarily partially immersed in said pools, as I found myself at one point.

Eventually hikers turn from Signal Tower Road onto the service path ( I can’t call it a road ) that leads to the equestrian fields. I waited here for the elongated line of hikers to draw closer to the turn, at which time we proceeded forward. The fields were in fine shape, though it was clear they were in their winter dormancy period.

Reaching the far end of the second field the group again paused and I was advised that a small group of hikers towards the end of the conga hiking line had not made the turn onto the service path. More on that later.

Setting off on the ski trails, it was a scene of unending devastation. Since our last hike in the area, DEC has clear-cut almost all of the trees on the inner side of the loop, and used the trail itself as a thoroughfare to drag the trees. The footpath was a mix of roots and churned up mess. It was  slow slog. We paused briefly when the time-constrained people had to turn around. The main body continued on.

Eventually the main group of hikers returned to the entry point onto the horse fields. While waiting for the end of the hiking line to arrive one of our group read off a near-by notice on a tree that advised hikers to NOT hike the ski trail until late 2022. Too late for todays hike! No worries for future hikes, either; we wont hike it ever again in its current deforested condition.

The main body set off across the horse fields and returned to our cars without incident. I was advised that the last group that hadn’t made the turn on to the fields on the outbound leg of the trip had chosen to hike their own hike and continue down the seasonal portion of Signal Tower Rd.

The bigger problem at that point was that we still had several hikers in the woods, in telephone contact with us, but who were unable to verify their location on the trail. Nancy L and myself drove the area until the hikers and their dogs were located on Irish settlement Rd near the Park Preserve. Hiker Ruth, as it turned out, had had a complete shoe failure on the trail and had had to hold the shoe together with strips of the blue surveyors marking tape that was in abundance along the ski trail ( see photo ).

New K9 hiker “Sage” joined the group today for its first hike

As a general note to hikers, as much as we enjoy Cians contribution to documenting hikes through his photos, I am looking for additional photographers who like to photograph hikes. We used to have several people such as Jack and Annie who shared their photos, in addition to Susan and Stephen. It is difficult for me at the front of the group to capture any serious number of decent hike photos. I am asking anyone who has been taking pictures on hikes to consider sharing those with the readers of the hike reports by sending their pictures to Stephen and whoever eventually takes over editorship of the weekly hike report.

Damaged shoes repaired with surveyor’s tape


Photos by Cian

Check out Cian’s complete album here


Photos by Randy/Nancy L



Sun Jan 2

Hike report by Jim

Comfort Road, Danby

12 hikers and 2 dogs met on Comfort Rd in Danby  for a hike of the FLT Northwesterly towards  Bruce Hill Rd.

The hike started with a cold wind whipping across the fields near the junction of Comfort and Lieb Rds.

I knew from previous experience and from checking out the beginning of the trail prior to the hike that the first section of trail would be extremely muddy. Stephen has in the past told me that the mud was a major reason why this section of trail was removed from the regular hike rotation. Last summer there were a couple of really muddy sections, but overall the trail was not bad. Today we were not quite so lucky.

The group set off and got through the first muddy portion. The footpath was covered pretty uniformally with a wet mass of leaves. The real risks on the hike were the wet stones, the wet fallen trees starting to freeze into an encapsulating sheath of ice, and the slippery mud, particularly on the downhill portions approaching stream crossings. The streams were, almost universally, all flowing quite well

There were some nicer sections of trail, particularly those trail moments where I found myself passing through sections of evergreens and the forest floor underneath was thick with a layer of needles. Some of the portions where the overhead canopy opened up and we found ourselves entering something close to a small meadow were also enjoyable.

Overall there was much more mud than I recalled from last summer, when it must have been much drier when we hiked this section of trail.

At about the hour mark, before reaching the first large open meadows and one stream crossing that I recall as being particularly troublesome, the group turned around. The snow began to fall around us in a granulated form that soon had a decent thin layer of white coating the forest floor.

The group arrived back at our cars a few minutes early, but no one was complaining.

The muddy areas could be addressed through some thoughtful trail re-routes or even laying down a decent courderoy log surface to cross the worst of the muddy sections on. I recall from looking at Nancy L’s Gaia app last year that the trail appears to have been laid down primarily by exactly following a trail contour on the map, as it looked to be a perfect overlay.

While the section of trail is appealing under the right conditions, I think that in the future I will limit us to hiking this only in the driest or most frozen of winter months.

Thanks to all who came out today to keep me company on this hike!

Photos by Cian

Complete album here

Report to Hikers — week of Dec 20 — Dec 26

Hello Hikers!

Wed Dec 22

Hike report and three photos by Jim

Cayuga Nature Center, town of Ulysses

15 hikers met in the upper loop parking area of the Cayuga Nature Center on Houghton Rd, for a hike of the trail system there.

As the hikers arrived at the parking area, the visibility of the hills in the far distance was already dropping as a weather front moved in. Snow started to fall in a small but increasing quantity; by the time the hike started the wind was brisk and cold, encouraging the hikers to get underway.

Hikers walked the graveled path across the open meadows that connected the parking area to the rest of the nature center. We paused briefly to look at some of the animals in the enclosures behind the main lodge building, which is still closed to visitors. Some of the group diverted briefly to explore “ Tiny Town”, a short loop trail South of the lodge.

Rounding the main lodge building, hikers entered the woods and travelled in a counter-clockwise direction on the trail system, first on a blue blazed trail that ran along route 89, and then a complete loop of the ( mostly ) red blazed wilderness loop on the Northerly side of the CNC property. The group found this to be an easy hike surface; there were some areas which in warmer temps would have been quite muddy due to recent rains. Despite the current lower temperatures those areas had still not frozen over completely but didn’t prove to be difficult to navigate. 

This loop in turn led to the habitat loop, which ultimately returned the group back to the main lodge.

A minor water crossing was encountered along the way, prompting the group to leave the path and cross the stream directly out of a concern for safety due to a snow-covered footbridge that was quite a-kilter. Some blazing  is fairly worn or has not been updated to the current colors for the loop, so hikers attempting this hike on their own should pay attention along the route.

Returning to the rear of the lodge the group looked over the animal enclosures and their inhabitants again with a little more detail than during our first walk past the cages. Then the group walked to the near-by treehouse structure, climbing the various levels of its interior in the process.

Hikers returned to the parking area  via the meadow trail system; finding that we still had about twenty minutes of hike time, we jumped onto the Black Diamond Trail for a short out-and-back walk of that pathway. BY the time the weather had cleared and the distant hills were again visible/


Photos by Randy/Nancy L

Complete photo album here


Sat Dec 25

Hike report and two photos by Jim

Pinnacles Look-out and Dove Trail, Danby SF

For our Christmas Day hike 11 hikers and 2 dogs at at the junction of Station and Bald Hill Rds

Rain fell for about half of the hike duration, although not in such quantity as to deter the hikers.

The roadway at the parking area was largely a sheet of ice, making nano spikes a welcome footwear accessory

The iced-over road conditions continued up the seasonal portion of Bald Hill RD, to the turn-off to Abbot Loop and the Pinnacles overlook

Light levels were low, and visibility from the Pinnacles was bad due to cloud cover and fog. The descent from the Pinnacles to the seasonal part of Bald Hill Rd was being compared to a Harry Potter film according to hikers behind me.

Once back onto the seasonal portion of Bald Hill Rd it was a short walk up the road to the turn back onto the Abbot Loop. The descent to the stream there was enjoyable, even with the slippery roots. Despite the on-going rain the water volume in the stream didn’t appear to be excessive, and the group make quick use of a log or two and some rocks to perform a fast water crossing.

After the water crossing the Loop follows the stream for a while, which I always find enjoyable on hikes. This lower area around the stream was the only area that the group encountered any actual muddy trail conditions

The Loop footpath eventually turns up-hill and then meets the Dove Trail. A few minutes on the Dove Trail brought the group back onto Bald Hill Rd near where we parked.

We wrapped up the hike a few minutes early this time but I didn’t hear any complaints.


Photos by Randy/Nancy L


Sun Dec 26

Hike report by Jim

South Hill Rim Trail and Rec Trail

21 hikers and 3 dogs met on Crescent Place for a hike of the South Hill Rim and Rec Trails

Weather overall was much nicer than the previous days Christmas Day hike in Danby.

Temps were cool, but we did not have to contend with the ice that was present the previous day

The Rim Trail was a pleasant walk, with streams running vigorously and the footpath buried under a winter layer of last summers wet leaves. There was a little mud along the way, but nothing too horrible compared to many of our past hikes.

The group had the Rim Trail to ourselves, which is sometimes a good thing especially when dealing with other hikers who might not be as dog-friendly as our group is.

Hikers emerged back onto the Rec Trail at just about the hour mark; given the opportunity to decide on our return route the group resoundingly supported returning to the cars via the Rec Trail instead of an out-and-back return on the Rim Trail.

The return trip was made quickly, with the group arriving at our cars with 15 minutes to spare.

I should note that Gerald, Leah and Sydney hiked with us for the last time today; they literally packed their car, came to the hike, and then took off for Canada immediately after the hike concluded. Speaking for the group it has been a pleasure to have them hiing with the group again this past semester!

A warm welcome to Shiftrah and Ruth on their first hike with the group!

Photos by Randy/Nancy L

Complete photo album here

Report to Hikers — week of Dec 13 — Dec 19

Hello Hikers!

Wed Dec 15

Hike repport by Jim

Dabes Diversion Loop and related trails, Cortland County

8 hikers met for a hike of the Dabes Diversion/ FLT/ Kuzia Cutoff loop in Cortland county.

It was a cold brisk day, which probably caused some of our regular people some hesitation in hiking this day. It is inevitable that the group sizes dwindle somewhat in the colder winter months.

The group needed no encouragement to start hiking from the parking area, and soon we were making our first water crossing and churning our way up the hillside on the opposite side of the stream. One or two blowdowns across the trail had to be carefully navigated around,  but nothing like the major blowdowns that forced the closure of this section of trail a few months ago.

Despite the wind it was still a nice fall day for a walk in the woods; nothing like the temperatures we had enjoyed the previous day, and none of the rain predicted for later in the week. Some members of the group chose to hike slower and focus on enjoying the surrounding woods; they quickly fell behind the main group which was focused on completing the loop

Making the first hill climb and then following the trail as it leveled out we got occasional gusts of wind, lessened each time the trail passed through a lower elevation.  The sturdy stone walls always elicit a few moments of conversation as we pass over and by them. The stands of pine, as always, are among my favorites of any found on area trails.

Coming out to the overlook that gives a panoramic view of open fields was a little rough, as the wind was blowing with full force there, encouraging the group to not delay too long in continuing our journey.

We took a short detour to look over the near-by shelter before continuing on the FLT in our original direction of travel. Dropping in elevation towards the major water crossing on this hike, the wind finally ceased completely, which made the hike much more enjoyable for everyone.

Finding our way across the water the group continued onwards, climbing towards the road crossing before the Kuzia cut-off.

The group passed through the Kuzia cutoff portion of the hike at what I can only assume is a record pace for us. Other than a short pause for a trail log entry we stopped at nothing in our path, even the stone foundations on that section of trail that we pass seemingly unnoticed.  The DEC forest thinning operations along that stretch of trail  are healing somewhat, but still detract from the former enjoyment I had of that bit of trail.

Soon we found ourselves on the seasonal road for the last leg of the hike, a road walk back to our cars. We arrived at the cars a full 20 minutes early, so we opted to walk to the near-by snowmobile trail for a short out and back hike to burn up the remaining hiking time.


Sat Dec 18

Hike report and three photos by Jim

West Malloryville trails and Von Engeln Preserve with Bob B

Despite some of the colder temperatures in a week or so, and with intermittent light rain accompanying us on the hike, 17 hikers and 2 dogs met at the von Engeln Preserve on West Malloryville Rd in the Town of  Dryden.

Our hike guide for today, area resident Bob Beck, met the group in the parking lot and after a brief introduction set off on the trails.

This particular hike has normally been a summer hike for the group since I’ve been hiking with it, so it was nice to see the terrain in this area in a  different season. When I scheduled the hike several weeks ago I had hoped that by the hike date we’d have some true winter snow conditions, but in retrospect the actual trail conditions today were great for the group.

Bob B led hikers along several trails, climbing and descending along eskers while stopping periodically to share his extensive knowledge of the areas formation during past ice ages and  the more recent political struggles that led to the genesis of the Preserves creation.

We passed by several ponds, bogs and other water features, and eventually crossed over the ever-popular beaver dam. A recently installed rope helped with the steep descent to the dam.  Bob explained that the dam is starting to deteriorate due to the beavers having moved on to better feeding areas, but I felt that the dam was actually easier to cross over today than what I recall of its condition in the past.

Exiting the forest trails onto the former railbed, Bob led interested hikers down a hill to examine the underbelly of the 150 ( ! ) year old structure.

Bob soon returned the group to forest trails and led us a short way to a viewing area and a short description of natural formations there, before turning around and making a quick hike back to the vehicles.

A sincere thank you to Bob for taking time from his busy schedule to host our group today.

For those who would like more information about this Preserve, see:

O.D. von Engeln Preserve At Malloryville | TNC (

Bob has written an excellent book on the subject of the Preserve area. The Journey at Malloryville Bog ( 2013 ) which is available for purchase at Buffalo Street Books or online in print and Kindle formats

Welcome to Eileen and Mary for their first hike with the group!


Photos by Nancy L/Randy

You can see Nancy and Randy’s complete photo album here


Sun Dec 19

Hike report by Nancy L

Rowell Hill, Connecticut Hill WMA

On a cold, raw morning 17 hikers and one dog met at the corner of Lloyd Stark and Boylan in Connecticut Hill Wildlife Management area to hike up Rowell Hill. Since the original approach was a little mucky, Randy spent a couple hours on Wednesday morning preparing a detour through a recent clearcut to avoid it. The clearcut was anything but “clear”. But the result was a rough but passable trail, a challenge since some brambles and scrambled log piles remained. We traversed this bypass on the way in and out of the hike up Rowell Hill. We climbed the hill to a small pond and were sufficiently warmed up by the exertion. We took a loop that traversed the main plateau of Rowell Hill. It’s a pleasant level walk through a mixed hardwood and red pine forest. We gathered at the stone remains of a small foundation before arriving at a nice viewpoint over the surrounding countryside to the south. After arriving back at the main trail, we traversed another loop in a different section of the hill affording some more cloud-shrouded views of the countryside. Then we followed our tracks back to Lloyd Stark Road. From there we could see our cars, and the group split up into three. A few returned to their cars, a few walked up the road, and a small group crossed the road to a trail over to a sizable beaver pond surrounded by large pines. We were all happy to pile into our cars to warm up! It should be noted that we saw absolutely no sign of hunters…no sign of anything to hunt either.

Photos by Nancy/Randy

You can see Randy and Nancy’s complete photo album here

Report to Hikers — week of Dec 6 — Dec 12

Hello Hikers!

Wed Dec 8

Hike report by Jim

Ellis Hollow Nature Preserve

Hikers met on Ellis Hollow Creek Rd for a hike of the trail circuit within the Preserve there.

It was a cold morning with a fresh dusting of snow on the ground.

Several individual dog walkers arrived while I was waiting for the group to show up, so the last few arriving Ithaca Hikers found themselves having to park along the shoulder of  the road. While I was assisting with that process the main group took off up the trail from the parking lot to the welcome kiosk. Jack and Mary took over leaingd the main body of the group as it moved along the trails

Hikers initially travelled in a clockwise direction; after passing the welcome kiosk the group made the first water crossing and took the blue and red trails in a loop. Coming down the slopes near the second  stream crossing at the top of the loop proved to be a little tricky due to the snow covering the leaves.

There were  a few patches of semi-solid mud near the top of the trail circuit that were hanging on despite the cool temperatures, but nothing that seemed too intolerable.

The sun shone down through the trees, creating an enjoyable  patchwork of light and shadow throughout much of the hike.

Completing the first circuit the group temporarily reconvened. Those who wanted to complete a second circuit started hiking in a counter-clockwise direction, the group again breaking down into a couple of different sub-groups  as hikers again found their own pace.

My sub-group of hikers, reaching the top of the loop, opted to re-trace our route back to the welcome kiosk. There we met the fast group as they reached the completion of their second time around the trail system.

There were  a few late arrivals to the hike, but I am fairly certain that the total count for this hike was 18 hikers and 4 dogs.

Warm return welcome to Bud, who re-joined the group today for the first time in a long while!


Sat Dec 10

Hike report by Nancy L

Mulholland Wildflower Preserve to Potter’s Falls, Six Mile Creek

16 people and 2 dogs met on a warm early winter day at the Mulholland Preserve parking lot for the hike.  Because of a storm the previous night Six Mile Creek was full and flowing fast affording picturesque falls and cascades.   We started off along the creek and chose the creek hugging trails until we reached a trail heading diagonally up hill to higher ground.  Most of us chose a path that followed the edge of the hill going upcreek until we reached the overlook above the “six mile creek” reservoir, the first reservoir you encounter going up the creek from Giles.  Some of us, made our way down a steep muddy spot to a closer view of the reservoir and dam.  Then we returned to the higher trail following the edge of the reservoir toward the upper six mile creek.  After a ways the wide trail ended leaving only a billy goat trail up the hill to higher ground.  Most of the group turned around at this point.  Part of the group including me went up the billy goat trail, which once scaled allowed us to the follow the creek up further to Potter’s Falls.   The falls  is at the bottom of a narrow chute, flowing from the second dam that holds back Ithaca Reservoir.  The hike from the lower reservoir  was rough in places, involving an additional steep muddy hill climb but the views were worth it!  We took a different route back which allowed us to avoid the steep hills but instead necessitated crossing over several side creeks with steep banks.  Eventually we found a wide trail that brought us back to the high trail along the lower reservoir.  Randy’s group returned from the base of the billy goat trail first along a wide trail high on the side of the hill.  A new trail has been recently developed which took the hikers from this high trail down to the trails along the edge of the creek.  This new trail follows a side creek.  It has stone steps that ease the hikers  down the hill.  At the bottom we   followed the well trodden trails back to the cars.
Note that there are some interesting links about the Six Mile Creek:

Photos by Nancy L/Randy

You can see Randy and Nancy’s complete album here


Photos by Cian

You can see Cian’s complete photo album here


Sun Dec 12

Hike report by Jim

Jim Schug trail, Dryden

20 hikers and 6 dogs met at the Kenny Van Sickle ballfields in Dryden Village, for  a hike of the Northern end  of the Jim Schug Trail. This location was  a change of pace from our normal meeting place on Lake Rd, prompted mainly by my concerns for possible winter weather and associated parking problems. Our recent hike on the Dryden Rail Trail has me considering the issue of parking when choosing where to hike.

The day was sunny and cool; for the outbound leg of the hike the group was walking into the sun almost the entire length of the hike, which had me happy for my sunglasses. The various water-filled potholes along the way had a minor layer of skim ice covering them on the out-bound leg of the hike, the ice having melted by the time we made the return trip.

Leaving the parking lot the group walked down Mill St then turned onto Main Street to reach the trail. Casey made a good point that we should have simply jumped onto the end of the Rail Trail on Elm Street to access the Schug Trail; we’ll certainly do that the next time we do this particular hike.

The northern end of the Schug Trail passes through several blocks in the heart of Dryden Village, the footpath weaving behind residences, the village DPW, and a few road crossings;  it takes a little longer to get into the more rural parts of the Trail than the group is used to when hiking in from the Lake Rd end.

Once past the Village the Trail became more enjoyable, with the sorts of scenic stream views, beaver dams and that sort of thing which add to the charm of the hike.

The main body of the group surged past me to get much further South on the Trail than I did, as I was stopping fairly regularly to look at the view, talk to people, etc.

At the appointed hour the group turned around and re-traced its steps to the parking area and our cars.

Feedback from the group indicated that hiking the trail from a different starting point was a welcome change of pace.

Photos by Cian

You can see Cian’s complete album here

Report to Hikers — week of Nov 29 — Dec 5

Hello Hikers!

Wed Dec 1

Hike report by Jim

Stewart Park, Renwick Woods and Newman Golf Course

15 hikers and 4 dogs met in Stewart Park near the recently restored boathouse, for a walk around the bird sanctuary, the golf course, Lighthouse Point, and onwards to the Farmers Market. The skies were clear, with an excellent view down the lake.

Crossing the first foot bridge, the group turned into the bird sanctuary now known as Renwick Wildwoods. Moving at a quick pace to stay warm on a  cool morning, the group made a quick loop within the Wildwoods before returning to the boardwalk and continuing over the second footbridge.

Turning into the golf course the group skirted the greens and the flocks of birds occupying the fringes. We soon arrived at the entrance to the Lighthouse Point area. This area was a little muddy, but the shallow pools were easily passed.

A quick walk to the end of the jetty where the lighthouse is located, and we were soon back on firm ground and making a loop around the remainder of the golf course.

As we walked we looked at the on-going construction in the area; this particular part of town was a frequent destination for my family when we visited friends who were still living in the area into the 1970s; it looks nothing as it did back then.

The group crossed over the footbridge leading to the farmers market area.

Walking past the Market the group continued on, arriving at the CU and IC boathouses before turning around to re-trace our path back to Stewart park and  our cars.

A warm welcome to Paul, on his first hike with the group!

Photos by shesse

And here’s a final photo from an unusual angle — hiker Sabine happened to be walking along toward Cass Park on the other side of the inlet, when she noticed the group walking along the pier:


Sat Dec 4

Hike report by Jim

Shindagin Hollow SF Rim Trail

24 hikers and 3 dogs gathered at the end of the maintained portion of Shindagin Hollow Rd, for a hike of the rim and bicycle trails in that area.

Upon arriving I had spoken to some dog walkers who were in the process of leaving the area, in order to find out what trail conditions were like.

The morning was cool, and the seasonal portion of Shindagin Hollow Rd ahead of us was already glazed over with patchy ice. The sides of the road still bore random piles of snow that had already melted away in other parts of the county. Foot traction was worn by some, although not entirely necessary.

The group set off down Shindagin Hollow Rd before turning into the Rim Trail. There was little mud, although water was flowing freely across or down the trail in a few places, sustaining random pools of mud that had to be skirted. Cool air blew towards the hikers from the depths of the valley below us. The sun shone down, bright but offering no real warmth. The air was clear, offering excellent views to the other side of the gorge area and the path ahead.

Arriving at the Jeep Trail parking lot the lead group found that about a third of the group had fallen substantially behind. After a short while we proceeded ahead, jumping onto the bicycle trail that leads down into the gorge and the water crossing there. A substantial amount of water was flowing downstream, but a thoughtful pattern of hop scotching rocks offered the group a dry path to the path on the opposite shoreline.

My group of hikers continued onwards; the heavy leaf cover and lack of blazing forcing me to rely more on memory of past hikes than is normal. On most of this section the footpath stands out from the surrounding area, but at one small water crossing I lost the path and had to do a little searching before continuing onwards.

Proper homage was given at the stump with the golden shoe, which the group had replaced after the preceding shoe was removed earlier this year. I’m always curious on this hike to see if the shoe remains, or has been taken again since our last walk through the area.

Reaching Gulf Creek Rd some of the hikers in my party opted to turn around and make an out-and-back hike through the woods. The remainder continued down Gulf Creek Rd to Shindagin Hollow Rd for a road walk back to our cars. There we met the second half of the full group, who had chosen to make a road walk of the remaining hike rather than walk the bike trails as my group had done. That subset of hikers continued down the road awhile before turning around and joining us on the slog up the hill back to the parking area.

Photos by Cian

You can see Cian’s complete photo album here


Sun Dec 5

Hike report by Jim

Owl Creek Trail and Rim Trail, Buttermilk Falls SP

There were multiple late arrivals for this hike, but I am fairly certain that the count below is an accurate final accounting for both hikers and dogs

28 hikers and 6 dogs met at Buttermilk Falls State Park for a hike of the Owl Creek and Rim Trails.

The question came up during the hike as to whether the waterway the Owl Creek Trail follows is actually “Owl Creek”. I’ve done some internet searching at home after the hike and there is apparently an officially named Owl Creek waterfall along the route, which I was unaware of:

Owl Creek Falls – Bobbieswaterfalls

The state park map does not name the waterway on the official park map

Buttermilk Falls State Park Trail Map (
but it does answer Rogers question about where the Owl  Creek waterway leads once its on the flats.

The group set off from the lower Buttermilk Falls parking lot, walking up the asphalt roadway towards the camping area. Turning onto the Owl Creek Trail the group was soon churning its way up the hill. This particular trail always gives me a good work-out with its various up-hill sections and occasional and very welcome flat stretches. Today was no different.

Following the green trail discs we took the official trail to its Stone Quarry Road trailhead:

Owl Creek Trailhead in the city Ithaca (

Then re-traced our steps to the trail fork and took the unblazed trail to the cemetery. Pausing there for a group photo, we soon found ourselves re-tracing our route back down the hill.

The group jumped onto the Rim Trail, then gradually broke into smaller ability groups with instructions for everyone to turn around and return to the parking lot at a certain time. This worked fairly well, and everyone was back at the cars at the two hour time limit.

Welcome to Shannon on her first hike with the group!

Question to everyone regarding January hikes, which I’m already planning.

Assuming the trails are mostly clear of snow, given that we have the special bow season for all of January, how comfortable would everyone be as far as hiking at least some of the hike locations on trails which might be open to bow hunters. Last year during the special season it was my impression that most of the bow hunters were out of the woods around the time that the group started its hikes. If anyone feels one way versus the other, please reach out to me with an opinion over the next couple of weeks. Thanks!