Wednesday June 8
Abbott Loop east from Michigan Hollow Road to Hill Road and beyond, Danby SF
Hike report by Jim
Fourteen hikers and three dogs set off on the Abbott Loop from Michigan Hollow Rd. The morning was cool and somewhat overcast, but the climb up the hillside away from the cars soon had people warmed up.
Our group last did this section of trail in April as part of a multi-group hike of the Abbott Loop. Today the trail was in much better condition, although a couple of spots were still somewhat muddy.
After the initial long and steep climb, the trail levels out a little but continues the climb to Hill Rd. We crossed Hill Rd., where the trail begins a steady decline that doesn’t stop until the Abbott Loop tends at the FLT.
Turning west on the FLT, we soon emerged back on Hill Rd. We road-walked a short way up Hill Rd (this road is certainly appropriately named) before turning back onto the Abbott Loop and beginning our descent back to our vehicles. By now the sun had come out and the forest floor was alive with alternating lights and shadows.
Welcome to Linda on her first hike with the group!
The hike today counts as 4 FLT miles for those attempting to earn their FLT60 patch.

Saturday June 11
County Line Loop, Connecticut Hill
Hike report by Nancy L.
Twelve hikers gathered at the trailhead on Connecticut Hill Rd. just north of Cabin Rd. for the hike on a cool, sunny day. Some hikers parked at the Connecticut Hill Cemetery and carpooled to the start.
We headed west on a wagon road and quickly arrived at the Brown Cemetery, which has a few very old tombstones – some from the early 1800s. From there, we hopped back onto the wagon road. It had ample evidence of homesteads, such as boxwood and vinca.
The road intersects a trail that took us south to the Finger Lakes Trail. After checking out a ruin with an intact well (be careful not to fall in one during the winter!), we followed another wagon road (the ruts are quite wide) that goes north/south, tracing the divide between Tompkins and Schuyler counties.
After a short hike on this road, we plunged into the woods following contour lines south and east. After our only uphill portion taking us back up toward Connecticut Hill Rd (called Ridge Rd because it goes north/south on the ridge), we came to another old road. Cutting north through the woods, we encountered a small pond, then we crossed Ridge Rd. and headed north through the woods, now on the east side of Ridge Rd.
Our trail intercepted a watering hole, clearly manmade because of the rock dam at the outlet. From there, we continued north through the woods and across a small ravine, again joining the FLT. Shortly after crossing Cabin road we followed a short trail over to where our cars were parked.

Photos by Nancy L. and Randy O.
View Nancy and Randy’s photo album.
Sunday June 12
Jim Schug Trail, Dryden
Hike report by Jim
Twenty-one hikers and five dogs met on Lake Rd. for a hike of the Jim Schug Trail. The weather was far better than I had expected, as it had been predicted to rain during the hike. Instead, it was sunny and warm, with some clouds gathering about halfway through the hike and wind beginning to whip through the upper branches of nearby trees at about the same time. Most people in the group seemed to enjoy having a hike over flat terrain on a nice day.
The group quickly stretched out over a longer-than-normal distance, the faster hikers pulling ahead of the rest of the group, including some late arrivals.
The trail was well-used during our hike, with many other walkers, bicyclists and runners sharing the space with us.
We detoured into Dryden Lake Park, paused for a group photo, and then forged onward.
The lead hikers continued on into the village of Dryden before turning around. Most didn’t make it that far, but we all covered a decent amount of ground in the hike.
After we returned to our cars, a good number of hikers relocated to Hopshire Brewery post hike. Once there, we continued the conversations from the trail while enjoying some local beverages and good food.
One issue that today’s hike brought up relates to parking; with hiker numbers rebounding from the Covid-related lows of the last couple of years, parking on Lake Rd. is inadequate. I’d like to get some views from the regulars about relocating our start point elsewhere for this hike, at least during the summer months when we experience higher participation. It would mean possibly losing the parts of the trail from Lake Rd. to Dryden Lake Park, which I know I personally enjoy. Please contact me with your thoughts.