Report to Hikers October 2 – October 8

Wednesday October 4

Clark Reservation State Park, Jamesville

Hike report by Steve S.

The day of the hike was the hottest October day ever in Syracuse, and it was also humid. At the start of our hike, 10:00 a.m., it was only in the mid-70s but intensely sunny. The day got hotter and more humid as we hiked.  

First, we visited an immense abandoned quarry on the edge of the state park. Perhaps unwisely, given the heat and the unrelenting sunshine, I led the group in the open around the top of the quarry to an overlook on I-481. 

Fortunately, the rest of the hike was in the shade and went easily and pleasantly. We toured rocky trails and the steep cliffs overlooking the glacial lake at the center of the park. Given the unseasonable heat, we opted for a truncated hike and elected not to go down to the lake. 

The rock ravines and cliffs and trail beds at Clark Reservation are limestone, so they’re quite different from the shale characteristic of the Ithaca area. 

We circled around the many beautiful trails at the park and got back to the parking lot right on time for a typical two-hour hike. 

Photos by Steve S.

Photos by Jim

Saturday October 7

Finger Lakes Trail from Comfort Road through Danby State Forest

Hike report by Jim

Fifteen hikers and a dog met at the junction of Comfort and Bald Hill Roads for an out-and-back hike of the Finger Lakes Trail to Hill Road. This is hike #18 on our list of regular hike locations.

The rain was a steady companion throughout the hike, less noticed under the full leafy canopy but much more obvious on those areas of trail that were open to the sky. The section of trail closer to Comfort Road seemed to be slower in terms of seasonal leaf transformation, with most of the trees still very green. The closer we got to Michigan Hollow Road, the more we could see bare limbs or leaves in their fall colors.

Trail conditions were generally good despite the rain, and we encountered little mud. Stream crossings still had minimal water depth, but the day’s steady rain may have changed that. The main hazard seemed to be the layer of freshly fallen leaves concealing the root and rock hazards beneath them.

Toward the end of the outbound leg, I noticed an interesting effect along the section of trail I was passing through: The newly fallen leaves were spread on the ground around me, and the rain had filled each curled-up leaf to the brim, as if each leaf were a small bowl. It was  a very interesting effect as the light glinted off this mass of small leafy bodies of water.

The return leg of the hike was uneventful; the tempo of the rain seemed to pick up as if to encourage everyone to make their best time getting back to Comfort Road. Almost everyone was happy to arrive back at Comfort Road a few minutes early and climb into their dry cars for their drive home.

We did encounter members of a local running club toward the end of their run in the area, but otherwise we had the trail to ourselves.

Thanks to everyone in the group who came out despite the weather!

Photo by Jim

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Sunday October 8

O.D. von Engeln Preserve, Northeast Freeville

Hike report by Jim

Thirty-five hikers and three dogs met on West Malloryville Road for a hike of the O.D. von Engeln Preserve, led by Bob B. This is hike #44 on our website’s hike list.

The weather conditions were much improved over Saturday’s steady rain. Temperatures were cool throughout the hike, and about halfway into our looping route the sun came out, its light filtering through the canopy.

Trail conditions in the preserve were excellent, and Bob stopped frequently to share his knowledge of the area with hikers. I personally enjoyed the eskers, where we walked along the ridgeline with small ponds visible in the low-lying lands below us. Crossing the beaver dam and learning about the acid bog is always of interest to hikers.

Warm welcome to Ben, Qin, and Maria on their first hike with our group!

After the hike, several of us made an impromptu stop at Hopshire for some food, drinks, and conversation.

For those interested in learning more about the creation of the preserve, please note that the old link to Bob’s book, The Journey at Malloryville Bog: Commitment, Teamwork and Tenacity in Defense of Land and Nature, on the hike #44 page was broken. That link has been fixed. This excellent book is available both in print and Kindle formats here.

Photo by Jim

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Report to Hikers September 25 – October 1

Wednesday September 27

South Hill Rec Way/Six Mile Creek, south side, rim trail, Ithaca

Hike report and photo by Jim

Nineteen hikers met on Crescent Place in Ithaca for a hike of the trail system next to the South Hill Recreation Way. This is hike #2 on our list of hikes.

Conditions were good, with cool temperatures and lots of sunshine throughout the hike. Starting out from Crescent Place, we were on the South Hill Rec Way for only a few minutes before turning onto the trail system. Along the way, we visited the old stone stairs and the overlook area for Second Dam.

Water flow in the stream crossings and ravines was minimal. The trail eventually reconnects with the South Hill Rec Way closer to Burns Road. Most of the group walked out and back on the Rec Way toward Burns Road to use up a few minutes before we retraced our steps along our outbound route.

Eventually, we took a side trail to drop down to stream level opposite the wildflower preserve. After that, a quick climb back to the Rec Way returned us to our cars. Today’s hike ran past our normal duration by around five minutes.

A warm welcome to Victor on his first hike with the group!

Saturday September 30

Connecticut Hill, Newfield

Hike report by Nancy L.

On Saturday, 25 hikers and three dogs gathered at the junction of Boylan and Lloyd Starks roads for a group picture on a misty, cool morning. After the photo, we began by hiking up Boylan Road, passing a pond and crossing a creek before turning left to take a trail into the woods.

The trail was covered with pine needles yet easy to follow as we traversed the hillside above the creek, following the creek’s course downhill.  The trail itself reached its highest point in about a half a mile before heading downhill to Carter Creek Road. 

Here we turned right, taking the road until we turned onto a trail down to Carter Creek.  After crossing the creek, we followed an old carriage road up to the ruins of a large homestead before retracing our steps back to the road. 

We followed the road in the other direction and crossed the creek that we had taken downhill, and then turned onto a trail heading uphill on the other side. We were treated to a closeup of the beaver pond nestled among pine trees at the top of the creek before we headed back to the cars.

Photo by Jim

Photos by Nancy L. and Randy O.

View Nancy and Randy’s photo album.

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Sunday October 1

Finger Lakes Trail in Danby State Forest from S. Danby Road to the Tamarack Lean-To

Hike report by Jim

On Sunday morning, 21 hikers and two dogs hiked on the FLT from South Danby Road to the Tamarack Lean-to and back. This is hike #23-1 on our website.

The day was sunny but cool overall. Under the forest canopy, it was brighter than some of our recent hikes. The trail is mostly a gradual climb from South Danby Road, the FLT footpath repeatedly crisscrossing the snowmobile trail. We encountered minimal mud today. For most of this hike, a deep layer of old pine needles lies underfoot. A fresh layer of recently fallen leaves blanketed the trail in places. That, plus the general ambiance of the woods this hike passes through, makes this one of my personal favorite hikes.

Beyond the seasonal portion of Trayvor Road, the footpath begins a gradual descent until it reaches the lean-to. I wrote a quick entry in the journal there, and hikers who were new to this location spent a few minutes exploring the lean-to. After that, we started the return leg of our hike, which went quickly thanks to the trail’s gentle descent.

Most of us arrived back at the cars a few minutes early. Thanks to June M. and Lincoln for leading the group on both the outbound and return legs of the hike.

Photo by Jim

Photos by Leigh Ann

Report to Hikers September 18 – September 24

Wednesday September 20

Ellis Hollow Nature Preserve

Hike report by Jim

Eleven hikers met on Ellis Hollow Creek Road for a hike of the Ellis Hollow Nature Preserve, which is hike #38 on our list of hikes. The day was cool but sunny, and the greenery in the parking area was clearly in seasonal transition, with many shades coloring the leaves as I waited for hikers to arrive.

We all stayed together for a single circuit of the yellow, blue, and red loops. Once we were in the preserve, things were quite gloomy under the canopy, and here it was obvious that most of the trees had yet to start their seasonal transition. There was almost no water flowing in the creeks, and we encountered only rare patches of mud along the way.

After a quick pause at the kiosk at the end of the first circuit, the group splintered into a number of subgroups, and each subgroup did its own route within the preserve. The entire group reconvened at the two-hour mark to conclude the hike.

Our group had the place to ourselves with the exception of a single dog walker we encountered along the way.

Saturday September 23

Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve, West Danby

Hike report by Jim

Eighteen hikers and one dog met at Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve in West Danby to do hike #16 on our hike list. The day was generally overcast, but hikers said they preferred that to some of the hotter days we’ve hiked recently.

Before we set out, the larger group split into two smaller groups. Each group did its own distinct hike: Five hikers, led by Casey, preferred to bushwhack to the top of the Pinnacles, while most hikers stayed within the preserve’s trail system.

Those hiking within the preserve started with a quick loop around the Coleman Lake observation trail, then entered the larger fields and began a loop hike of the various yellow, blue, red and orange trails there.

Trails were in good condition, and we saw only a handful of other hikers during our time on the trails. There was a 50% chance of morning rain, but that never materialized while we were hiking.

The main group arrived back at their cars a few minutes early. Casey’s bushwhackers arrived back at the parking lot considerably later and reported a successful ascent of the hillside.

Photo by Jim

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Sunday September 24

Spur trail from upper Lick Brook/Townline Road to upper Buttermilk Falls SP/Yaple Road

Hike report by Jim

Nineteen hikers and one dog met on Townline Road in Ithaca for a hike of the Thayer Preserve trail system to the FLT spur trail into upper Buttermilk Falls State Park. This is hike #11 on our list of our regular hike locations.

We set out into Thayer Preserve on a steady climb on the orange-blazed trails away from Townline Road. A few minutes into the hike, the trail reaches Sandbank Road and follows that road in close proximity for a short while. The trail then emerges into the open fields near the South Hill Cidery glamping sites, where we paused for a group photo before returning to the woods. The trail winds through the woods until it finally emerges into an open utility right-of-way near West King Road.

We crossed West King Road and picked up the FLT spur trail, which intermingles woods walks with open fields until it reaches Yaple Road. This section in particular was very nice today; the wooded portions were gloomy, but the grasses and underbrush in this section had an almost luminescent quality, especially on the return leg of the hike after the rain had ended. The open fields were awash with a multitude of shades of fall colors: yellow, red, green, and purple.

At Yaple Road, hikers continued on the spur trail until we reached the park trail that circles Treman Lake. We took that trail to the upper end of Treman Lake, crossed the mostly dry lake bed and walked to Comfort Road on the park access road. Then, we walked back to Yaple Road and Casey took over leading the group for the return leg. We retraced our route until we reached the blue-blazed Toms Trail, which we took back to Townline Road.

We arrived back at our cars at exactly the two-hour mark.

Photo by Jim

Photos by Leigh Ann

Report to Hikers September 11 – September 17

Wednesday September 13

Allan H. Treman Marina, Cass Park, Black Diamond Trail

Hike report by Jim

Fourteen people met in the parking lot of Allan Treman State Marine Park for a walk in the area, hike #53-1 on our hike list.

Hikers set off on the looping paved and gravel trails that circle the north point of the park. It was a sunny and pleasant day, so the breezes and views down the lake were welcome.

After returning to the parking area, we continued on the walking trails that cut through Cass Park to run along the flood control channel. At the Route 89 bridge near Inlet Island, we crossed over and returned through the Children’s Garden to the bottom of the Black Diamond Trail. A short out-and-back segment of the trail returned hikers to the Children’s Garden.

From there, we walked through Cass Park back to Treman Marina and the cars.

Photo by Roz

Saturday September 16

Dabes Diversion Loop, Cortland County

Hike report by Jim

Seventeen hikers met in Cortland County to hike a loop comprising the Dabes Diversion Loop, the Finger Lakes Trail, and the Kuzia Cut-off in Kennedy State Forest. This is hike #40-2 on our hike list.

Before the hike there was heavy fog which, thankfully, burned off before we started our hike.  Temps were cool, with a mix of sun and shadow on the trail. The climb through the woods from the parking area and the traverse through the pines and across the old stone walls was a really enjoyable time for many of us – a great day to be in the woods!

When we arrived at the junction of the FLT and the Dabes Diversion Loop, we found clear skies with really good vistas across the valley. We continued our loop on the FLT, descending toward the water crossing, where we got to use the new, recently built footbridge.

Hikers navigated through the short FLT reroute that accompanies the new bridge, and we soon found ourselves on the blue-blazed Kuzia Cut-off.

We arrived back at our cars with 30 minutes to spare, so most of the group resorted to returning to the Diversion Loop to use up the remaining hike time.

FLT through-hiker Tim, who is on his 28th day on trail, joined us at the Dabes/FLT junction and hiked with us for the remainder of our route.

Photo by Jim

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Sunday September 17

Bahar Nature Preserve and Carpenters Falls, Cayuga County

Hike report by Jim

Twenty hikers and one dog met for a hike of the Carpenter Falls and Bahar Nature Preserve in Cayuga County. This is hike #60-9 on our list of hikes.

By start time, our group had completely filled the small parking lot, so I think that I’ll have to make this a Wednesday hike in the future. At hike’s end we found about 10 other cars illegally parked along the road. Had our group been any larger, some of our hikers might have had to resort to the same parking arrangement.

The day was overcast and the woods were somewhat gloomy, but the falls were well attended not only by our group but by numerous other day hikers and dog walkers. We walked to the viewing area for the falls via the new boardwalk and hiked the nearby stone stairs to see the falls from below. There was a decent amount of water flowing, so the falls were quite enjoyable. Pretty much the entire group commented on the workout  they got while returning to the boardwalk from the lower viewing area.

Back at the parking area, we took the trail toward Bahar Preserve. We found very little mud along the footpath as we followed the winding trail downward. Few of our hikers had been on our sole previous hike here, and this was their first visit to this location. Many reported having an enjoyable hike.

At the end of the trail, we made a brief stop at the lakeshore before turning around and retracing our steps back to our cars. We arrived at the parking area a few minutes early, so we did a short road walk to use up the remaining hike time.

Our planned stop at Summerhill Brewing had to be cancelled because the brewery was unexpectedly closed today, but I am sure that we’ll visit this venue at some time in the future.

Welcome to Mary Ann on her first hike with the group!

Photo by Jim

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Report to Hikers September 4 – September 10

Wednesday September 6

Black Diamond Trail

Hike report by Jim

Ten hikers met for a leisurely out-and-back hike of the Black Diamond Trail southbound from Kraft Road. A late arrival did their own solo hike.

Hikers found that state park crews were working on this section of the Black Diamond Trail in anticipation of an upcoming group event that would use the trail. The workers indicated that we were not a hinderance to their efforts, so we hiked as planned.

The day proved to be sunny and very warm. Everyone in the group walked at their own pace, and it wasn’t long before we were strung out in small subgroups over a very long section of trail. Everyone turned around at the halfway point and made their way back to Kraft Road without incident.

Lots of other people were on the trail today, including bicyclists, runners, and dog walkers.

Tom invited everyone to his nearby house for a swim in the lake. I was unable to attend due to a pre-existing appointment, so I cannot report on how many people took Tom up on his offer.

Photo by Jack V.

Saturday September 9

Alex & Michele Gonzalez Hiking Preserve, Virgil

Hike report by Jim

Nineteen hikers and a dog met for a hike of the Alex & Michele Gonzalez Hiking Preserve, a.k.a. the International Loops. Light rain before the hike had dissipated by our start time. This location was a new hike for many of the people in today’s group.

We set off from our cars, climbing the hill past the recently installed kiosk before taking the Jose and Irwin trails up the hill in a series of loops and switchbacks, with Casey in the lead. We stopped to make a trail journal entry and take some group photos along the utility right-of-way before continuing onward. We switched to the Spanish Loop, taking that trail to Adams Road before turning around. A quick stop at the small pond, and we were on the return leg.

To avoid making it entirely an out-and-back hike, we took the red-blazed English Loop before returning to the Spanish and Irwin trails back toward Daisy Hollow Road. I always find the return leg  of this hike enjoyable; we pass through some nice sections of evergreens with a layer of cushioning needles underfoot. We returned to the cars at exactly the two-hour mark.

All of the trails we hiked today were in good condition, with minimal mud. The only other preserve users we saw along the way today were some campers at one bivouac site, which I later found out included Alex Gonzalez. Hikers enjoyed several nice views along the route.

Alex advised me after the hike that one new trail has been completed, and another new loop should be finished later in the fall. I plan to bring the group back here to check out the new trail loops after those projects have been completed.

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Sunday September 10

Finger Lakes Trail west from Logan Road, Finger Lakes National Forest

Hike report by Jim

Seventeen hikers and a dog met on Logan Road, just outside the Finger Lakes National Forest, for an out-and-back hike of the FLT from Logan Road to Satterly Hill Road and beyond. The skies were generally overcast, with fog clinging to the distant hills as I waited for the group to arrive at the trailhead. A few drops of rain threatened the hike, but nothing came of that until the end of the hike.

There was a bit of a slow start as some late arrivals and a group photo delayed things for a few minutes. Jack V. took the lead, guiding hikers across the open fields and into the woods.

After we’d crossed the always-impressive footbridge, the climb toward Satterly Hill Road began. Recent rains had created a few muddy patches along the way, but those were nothing compared to what we’ve seen here in the past. Late summer colors along the trail were really enjoyable, the still-green leaves contrasting sharply with those that were already underway into their fall transformation.

We crossed Satterly Hill Road and descended the hill on the opposite side toward Watkins Glen, before we turned around and retraced our route.

The footpath along this section was recently mowed and spruced up for the FLTC cross-county hike that’s happening next weekend. Thanks to the volunteers for your trail work efforts!

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.