This report is by Bud Norvell and Scott Davis:
Montana Trip Summary (July 25 – August 13, 2015)
“Piscatorial Insanity Drives Old Guys Into Wilderness”

Two of our regular hikers, Scott Davis and Bud Norvell, returned last week from a trip to Montana where they spent 12 days hiking, fishing and camping in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, south of Glacier National Park.

Planning for the trip began in early spring with conditioning initiated by carrying increasingly heavy packs on many of our regular hikes. Needless to say, they took much stuff, carried extra heavy packs, and backpacked long distances – but they reached remote and pristine trout streams where the trout were almost as enthusiastic about meeting fishermen as the fisherman were about catching trout.

Countless numbers of wild Western Cutthroat Trout were caught and released, but a select few were kept on most days for truly fresh fish dinners.
Days were hot, nights were cold, and rain was never a problem. Although often tired and foot-sore, there were no serious mishaps and they have returned somewhat reluctantly to real life. A fuller account of their adventures is available using the link below, and additional photographs will be posted on the hiker photo website.
Here’s the link to the full report — if you encounter a screen telling you to log in or sign up, just hit the “Escape” key (PC) or “Quit” key (Mac) and you should get right in.