Report to Hikers July 22-July 28

Wednesday, July 24

Cayuga Trail from Freese Rd

Hike report by Jim

Nine hikers met on Freese Rd at the Community Gardens parking lot, for an out-and-back hike of our adopted section of the Cayuga Trail following recent storms that caused some significant damage to area hiking trails. This is hike # 5-3 on our list of regular hike locations:

The skies starting spitting rain at us in small amounts even before the hike started. Once the group set off the volume of rain increased but never so much that it became unbearable. Under the trees the rain volume was greatly diminished and almost enjoyable.

Temperatures were warm, footpath conditions were good, even with the precipitation we were hiking in. By the time we reached our turn-around time the rain had mostly ceased.

I’m happy to report that we found no storm related damage. Some trail maintenance issues were identified and will be addressed on our next planned trail workday.

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Saturday, July 27

Black Diamond Trail from Houghton Road

Hike report by Jim

Twenty-two hikers and one dog met at the CNC parking lot on Houghton Rd for a southerly out-and-back hike on the Black Diamond Trail, led by Tom. This particular hike isn’t listed on our regular hikes list, as we normally start our BDT hikes from elsewhere along its length.

The day was perfect summer recreational weather, and we were sharing the BDT with a LOT of other bike riders, dog walkers and joggers.

I was looking for some of the BDT footpath damage from recent storms that I’ve heard recent reports of, but it appears that repairs have already been made.

The hike was a mix of not-too-hot exposures to direct sunlight and pools of shade under the canopy of leaves. There was no running water in any of the streams we passed over.

The group photo for this hike is going to have to come from Leigh Ann at a later date, as my camera had an issue while I was taking my group photo. The issue was resolved later in the hike when I managed to get a couple of candid shots of the hikers underway.

Warm welcome to Karl and Elisa on their first hike with the group!

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Sunday, July 28

Lindsay Parsons Preserve, West Danby

Hike report by Leigh Ann

Twenty-two hikers and two dogs met at the Lindsay Parsons Preserve parking lot for a hike through this lovely preserve. On a prehike the day before, I had found that the trails had gotten a lot of love. The few newly downed trees had already gotten some chainsaw love, the trails and verge had gotten some mower love, and the trails had been picked free of branches. Whoever keeps the trails so lovely in this Preserve has done an amazing job, and the group thoroughly enjoyed our hike!

We did a counterclockwise loop. The blue trail over to Coleman Lake was still fairly cool, and we went along the unmarked but well-mowed trail from there to the red trail to stay in the shadow of the woods as much as we could. Then we took the red trail over to the southern end of yellow trail where it enters the woods. We crossed the train tracks on the southern end of the orange trail and took the purple trail where it heads uphill. Then we came down the orange trail back over the railroad tracks and went north on the yellow trail where it passes the drowned forest and fire hydrant. We returned via the observation point and the longer side of red trail, away from Rt. 13.

It was hot and humid by the time we returned to the cars after about 3.8 miles and 550 feet of elevation gain, so no one chose to do the Coleman Lake observation loop. This little 0.4-mile trail will be amazing in a few weeks when the goldenrod is fully in bloom.

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.