The Future of Weekly Hike Reports

For those who receive their news about the group through our WordPress site and aren’t on either our email list, our Meetup page or our Facebook group, I’m putting out the following information for your awareness.

Nancy H is ending her role of publishing the weekly post-hike reports that she’s been responsible for since Stephen and Susan stepped down from leading the group ( thank you Nancy for your dedication to this task! ). Nancy has asked that I forward the following message about having someone else take over that responsibility. If no one steps forward to take over, the weekly hike reports will cease. Individual hike leaders may still post post-hike reports on Meetup and Facebook, but the weekly reports will stop. Nancy’s message follows:

“Due to increased family responsibilities, I can no longer compile the weekly hike reports. So, we need one or more volunteers to step forward and take over this task.

Here’s how the process works: Each week, hike leaders write up their reports and email them to me. I also receive photos of hikes via email. In WordPress, I create a new post and copy/paste the reports, then add the relevant photos. Next, I publish the post to our Ithaca Hikers website. When the post is published, it also goes out to everyone who’s subscribed to the hike reports.

You don’t need to be a WordPress expert to post the reports. If you’re interested, I can teach you the basics. If you can help, please get in touch with Jim and/or with me at


Nancy H.”