Hello Hikers!
Wed Sept 16
This report was written by Nancy H
Monkey Run Natural Area, north side of Fall Creek at Hanshaw Road
Twelve hikers and two dogs gathered on Hanshaw Road to hike the Monkey Run natural area along the north side of Fall Creek. The morning was cool and sunny, perfect weather for tackling the hills we encounter on this hike.

After a quick detour to the beach to view Fall Creek, which was quite low, we returned to the trail. The little stream the trail crosses was totally dry.

Past the Cornell cookout shelter, some of the group decided to continue on the trail as it heads steeply down to the creek, while others opted to continue hiking along the fields.

After about half an hour, we met up again and returned to the cars a few minutes ahead of schedule.

By then, the day was warming up but still remarkably pleasant—a perfect late-summer day.
Sat Sept 19
This report was written by Leigh Ann
Hammond Hill SF, ski trails
A pandemic record of 18 hikers and seven dogs met up at the parking lot on north Hammond Hill Road. The hike time was later than usual for a Saturday, 9:40 a.m., so we could end up at Hopshire at opening time to celebrate Eckert’s 89th birthday and those of many other hikers who are 80 or above.

Jack V. led this hike through the maze that is the Hammond Hill ski trails.

The world had noticeably tipped toward fall on this cool, clear morning. At the beginning of the hike, fingers of morning sunlight were coming in low through the trees and lounging liquidly on the trail. As the sun rose, the landscape looked like a child’s new paint box: bright blue sky, dark green trees, and intense reds and yellows in a few places. Very few leaves had fallen, and the trees were packed. We saw a few other people on the trails.

Steve is writing about the gathering at Hopshire, and I’ll congratulate Eckert on choosing a great time of year to get born. I always enjoy celebrating his birthday at Hopshire!

More photos:
Our oldest active hiker, Eckhart, turns 89, and we head to Hopshire to salute him and the other six hikers in our group who are still on the trail after turning 80

Our nature photographer Annie created a special birthday card for Eckhart — ingenious and delightful!
Sunday Sept 20
This report was written by Leigh Ann
Layen Road to Bruce Hill Road and beyond on the FLT, Jersey Hill, Danby
Thirteen hikers and seven dogs met up at the corner of Townline and Layen Roads to hike south on the Finger Lakes Trail (FLT).

The morning was cool, and the sky was covered with silvery mackerel clouds that slid away as the sun rose higher. This part of the FLT rewards with magnificent views down the steep valley to the south at any time of year. At this time of year, new bales of hay can make the first, biggest field look like an Andrew Wyeth painting.

The FLT is well marked on this stretch, and as often happens on this hike, the group took this opportunity to spread way out. As the sun rose higher, it looked golden and impressionist where it shown through changing leaves in the forest.

Out in the fields, the colors were child’s new paintbox again, like yesterday. Fall fruits were ripening on the trees, including some small pears and native grapes, and some of the previously spread-out hikers came back together to admire them near the cars.

This was an excellent choice of hike for the day and this time of year.
Best wishes,
Leigh Ann
Coming tomorrow — a special report!
A Few Days Spent on the Finger Lakes Trail
September 14-18 2020
By Jim R