Bock Harvey Forest Preserve and Riemen Woods, Enfield
Official head count: 22H, five D
We have an additional nature photographer, Cian, who started hiking with us regularly in the fall. He’ll be posting his nature shots on Facebook, but he has it set up so you can see them without having to sign in or sign up. The link should take you to a page that says “See more of Cian” and then directs you to log in or create a new account. At the bottom it says, “Not now.” Just click this.
Don’t be mislead by the brightness of this photo — I used the flash. It was actually very dark and raining a little briskly as we stood around waiting to set offBy the time we got down to the bottom of the steep hill, the rain had pretty much stopped. We hadn’t seen such a volume of water going over the falls in a number of years.Some of our group’s best adventures have come while trying to cross swollen creeks and streams. Roger, who studied engineering at Cornell and served in Vietnam building roads and bridges, always enjoys the challenge, but he couldn’t figure out a way across this time. Two of our hikers, Hank and Eckhart, have unusually good balance, and they managed to cross the creek on a big fallen tree. But no one else wanted to follow them.Back up at Town Line Road. The rain continued to hold off.An upper stretch of the brook. Roger couldn’t come up with a way to get across here either.Once again, we ended up not getting hit with the amount of rain predicted, and we had a great walk. Really wonderful atmospherics.
Official head count: 13H, three D
Sun Jan 5
Shindagin Hollow SF — rim trail along Shindagin gorge