Woods road walk — Smiley Hill Road and Hill Road, Danby SF
My latest attempt to get a shot of everyone just before we stepped off ended in failure once again. People kept darting in and out of the line-up, or from one end of the line to the other, some kept getting hidden by others (deliberate?), some some just arrived late.So the best I could do was this shot of some of the people who hikedIt was pretty warm and not much breezeWe went by Katharine’s house for a beer afterwards — she’d just had some kind of new cooling system installed using a technology I couldn’t grasp — it was working beautiful — there were two nurses and a physician sitting at this table — do you think their conversation was gory? (I was sitting near them.) Septic shock!
Hammond Hill SF — ski trails in the NE sector — with Jack V
I started out hoping to get clear close-up shots of all the hikers — that plan fell through — once again ….The walk begins with a fairly steep uphill in the full sun — and it was quite hot Very nice in the woodsJack V’s photo show at Hopshire. We had the place to ourselves for a change.
Official head count: 20H, four D
Sun July 7
Doll Hill, Connecticut Hill WMA — with Dave B
Not everyone arrived in time for the group shotIf you know the hikers, you’ll be able to spot four more here who weren’t shown aboveAs soon as we stepped from the road into the woods, it was like entering a very dark roomExcellent hike!