Hello Hikers!
Wed June 19
Filmore Glen, Moravia — with Nancy L
This walk was coordinated and led by Nancy L, who wrote the hike report and took the photos (except as indicated otherwise)
Here’s who hiked:

The weather was good even though the forecast did not promise it. We headed up the North Rim trail passing by some workmen who were repairing the steps and graciously stepped aside. The trail was wide and the forest was shady and open with the grandeur of an old forest. Everyone gathered at a junction near the top of the North Rim trail where a trail down to the gorge was found. This is where we took our group picture showing the 11 hikers and 4 dogs (there was also me, the photographer). We proceeded down a steep trail to the gorge where there was a bridge across to the South Rim trail. On the other side of the gorge there was a nice lean-to and we stopped to talk to another group of workmen who were preparing to reconstruct the bridge below this one that was closed. It was our first chance to see the rushing water of the gorge. Next we climbed up to the South Rim trail and followed it all the way down to a picnic area with a pavilion on the South side of the gorge that is a short distance (5 minutes) from where we parked. A trail along the gorge starts from there. Several hikers headed that way. The rest of us went on down the South Rim trail (quite steeply on a series of treacherous steps). At the bottom we headed up a short trail to the “Cowshed” which is in accompanying picture. What I found was a beautiful waterfall. Everyone returned safely to their cars, on schedule.

Official head count: 13H, four D
Fri June 21
Special out-of-town hike with Steve S — Green Lake SP
Here are some pictures from our outing to Green Lakes State Park. Me, Mark and Ellie, Mark’s friend Harvey, Norm, Irene and Leo and Nelson, Dennis R, Joel and Jane Leff. It was a super beautiful day and the area around Green Lake was crowded with school kids on class outings. Norm was wonderful finding all sorts of interesting things and identifying the various ferns and trees. He found a small garter snake as a class was passing us. He showed it to the kids which at first created quite a hilarious panic and soon the kids were very interested and vied to see who would get to release it. The outing took over three hours.

Sat June 22
Six Mile Creek, south side rim trail starting at Crescent Place, South Hill

Official head count: 21H, three D
Sun June 23
Michigan Hollow Road at Diane’s Crossing southeast on the FLT to Hill Road and beyond, Danby SF

Official head count: 21H, seven D
Left behind at the Spanish food get-together
Woman’s XS blue JJill pullover sweater. If it’s yours, contact me.