Report to Hikers: week of Jan 21-Jan 27

Hello Hikers!

Wed Jan 23

Midweek hike cancelled — freezing rain and ice


Sat Jan 26

Fisher Settlement Road west toward Curtis Road on the FLT, Danby SF

The snow on the FLT was a bit rough and choppy, but we decided to try it out, rather than just walk on the road
This trail is at its best in winter, when you can clearly appreciate the rolling terrain and the interesting plantings
After a while, I decided the trail surface was actually not that much fun — it was very slow going, and for those of us with hip or knee or ankle problems, a challenge. It took us a long time to reach this stream — we didn’t want to attempt a crossing, so we turned back even though it was early
Got back to the cars 20 minutes early, decided to walk down Fisher Settlement Road a bit
A great classic country-road look — rolling terrain, the road meandering a little, dark brooding woods along the edge — love it
There are almost no buildings along the length of Fisher Settlement Road as it passes through Danby SF, but those few that have been built have a surprisingly upscale feellng — this is not some backwoods country area

Official head count: 15H, one D. One additional hiker drove out but went to the wrong spot and so missed the hike.

More photos:

Jack V


Sun Jan 27

Upper Treman SP trails and adjacent country roads

It was in the low 30s and it snowed vigorously a few times, but it felt surprisingly mild anyway — you can see that Casey (shirt and suspenders) shed his bright yellow coat

Official head count: 20H, one D. We saw one bow hunter, at the meet-up, who promised not to shoot at any of us

More photos:

Jack V