Report to Hikers: week of Oct 8-Oct14


Hello Hikers!


Wed Oct 10

Six Mile Creek, south side rim trail starting at Crescent Place

There’s a little story with this photo  —  the hikers abruptly decided to start walking a few minutes before we were scheduled to depart  —  you can see me in my bike helmet in the right background shouting and cursing at them to wait until 9:30  —  they just kept going

Won’t happen again ….

Official head count:  19H, five D

More photos:





Sat Oct 13

Hammond Hill SF, ski trails in the north and eastern areas

Another rainy Saturday morning ….

The woods looked great in the gloomy, misty atmospherics  —  I had a wonderful time

Two hikers failed to make it back to the cars with the rest of us  —  luckily, one had a working phone, not always the case here  —  they’d fallen behind and gotten lost  —  no map  —  the trails in this part of the forest are completely confusing and it took us a while to figure out by phone where they were, referring to a good map that Tiger had the foresight to bring  —  they made it out 45 minutes after everyone else …. a little distressed by the experience

Official head count:  16H, nine D

More photos:

Jack V

Get-together at Hopshire to look at Jack V’s photo show

A lot of fun  —  pizza and sandwiches in addition to the usual salty snacks




Sun Oct 14

Bock Harvey Forest Preserve, Enfield

Official head count:  26H, eight D

More photos:


Jack V