Hello Hikers!
All photos in this report are by Tiger — except one
Wed July 11
Willseyville Creek south of Ridgeway Road, Caroline

Official head count: 14H, three D
Sat July 14
Hammond Hill SF, trails in the northern part of the forest — with Jack V

This is one of just three hikes where we can run into horses — always a high point, IMO

This was my first time back into the woods since I fell down on a Saturday hike on May 12. My recovery was complicated by the fact that I have an underlying genetic brain disorder that causes balance problems and dizziness. I’ve had a bumpy recovery — at the low point I couldn’t walk well enough to go out of the house, and I had to get around inside using a borrowed rolling walker. It was really great to be back out with the hikers!

We had a lot of fun at Hopshire — three hikers were marking their birthdays. Leigh Ann, center in pale hat, had the best birthday story — when she was 25 she was a very active cave explorer and on her 25th birthday she and some fellow cavers were lost in a large cave complex in Indiana — took several days for them to be rescued.
Official head count: 20H, three D
More photos:
Sunday July 15
Bock Harvey Forest Preserve and Riemann Woods, Enfield

Official head count: 17H, three D