Hello Hikers!
Wed Feb 22
Snowmobile trail, Route 79 in Slaterville Springs north to Midline Road and Irish Settlement Road, Freeville
Official head count: 17H, five D
You can see Annie’s photos here
Sat Feb 25
Six Mile Creek, south side rim trail
Big storm coming at us on the radar — would it hit before we finished the hike?
What a gorgeous morning to step out into the woods!
Wet and slippery in spots — several hikers fell down
Started to sprinkle a little about 20 minutes before the end — faint thunder in the distance
A couple of minutes after we drove away from the trail head, it started to pour — that was a squeaker!
Official head count: 27H, eight D
You can see Jack V’;s photos here
Sunday Feb 26
South Danby Road west toward Hill Road, Danby SF
We had a few little adventures this time, starting with the drainage ditch we need to cross right after we leave the cars —- the bridge across looked a bit icy and treacherous …. 0ne of our dogs who was wearing a jacket got knocked into the ditch by another dog in the excitement — he got soaked and had to go home early ….
The bridge across this stream had been knocked askew — it was tilted and sloping down in one direction — a number of us chose to go across on hands and knees, including me — very decent way to cross an icy surface
Our two nature photographers have a number of shots of us making the crossing ….
We got a snow shower — really added to the great gloomy atmospherics
We hit a good deal of mud and the dogs got dirty — one hiker was straddling this same ditch out at the road rinsing off his shoes when a piece of the bank gave way and he tumbled backwards into the ditch — he had a surgical bandage on one hand from a fresh carpal tunnel surgery but it didn’t get wet and he didn’t hurt the wrist while taking the tumble
Official head count: 27H, eight D
More photos: