Hello Hikers!
Wednesday May 11
Road walk NW of Perry City
Bower Road at Burr Road, Schuyler County — farm country!
Absolutely perfect May morning — one hiker who knows birds said the fields and meadows were full of bobolinks
The stretch of Bower we walked on had just been wetted down by a highway truck — delightful touch of freshness — otherwise, dusty!
One micro-burst of excitement, while we were waiting to start — huge milk tanker truck passed in a cloud of dust — otherwise, no traffic at all
This hike was conceived by our nature photographer Jack V, who lives a few miles away from this corner on Grove Road. Best road walk we’ve done so far, IMO
Official head count: 18 hikers, three dogs
More photos online:
Saturday May 14
Stevens Suspension Bridge, Cornell golf course, Cornell horse barns and Park Park
Another gorgeous green morning
Official head count: 16H, five D
More photos online by Jack V here
Sunday May 15
Hammond Hill SF, Dryden
Lovely dark cool morning, a little breezy — even a few flakes of snow!
Official head count: 22H, fiveD (not everyone shown here)
Check out Jack V’s photos online here