Report to Hikers: week of Oct 1-Oct 7


Hello Hikers!


Wed Oct 3

Treman SP  —  west on the FLT from Route 13

Another rainy dark morning  —  but the rain was so light it hardly registered under the trees, and we had a lovely walk

Official head count:  14H, five D

More photos:


Jack V




Sat Oct 6

Shindagin Hollow SF, Braley Hill Road to Shindagin Hollow Road on the FLT

The forecast just before the hike said it wouldn’t rain until afternoon  —  but it started to look ominous at the trail head, and then it got exceptionally dark in the woods  —  started to rain about 1/3 of the way into the hike  —  then it started to pour  —  I hadn’t brought a rain coat

Luckily it was very mild, and the rain slacked off after a while

Fantastic atmospherics

It was very muddy in spots and very wet in spots  —  we had a visiting hiker who wore dress shoes and corduroy pants  —  he somehow managed to navigate without getting any mud on himself

Official head count:  18H, three D




Sun Oct 7

Michigan Hollow Road to The Pinnacles Look-out on the south leg of the Abbot Loop, Danby SF

One of our muddiest hikes ever, and generally very slippery  —  slow going for most of us, but  a small group managed to race up to the Pinnacles and get back  in two hours despite the poor walking conditions

Official head count:  26H, eight D

More photos:
