Over the course of the hike the group walked almost all trails within the Sapsucker Woods complex (about 4 miles total, if I remember correctly ). Most of the trail system consists of well-defined and wide trails with a deep base of wood chips. The newer loop trails that loop around the open fields are mowed. With the exception of the newer trails on the East Loop in the open fields, all trails were in good condition. The East Loop trails had some long stretches of standing water, so I don’t think that anyone finished the hike with dry feet (contrary to Steven Eaton‘s claim!).
There were a very small number of other patrons sharing the trails with us today.
Warm welcome to K.T., who joined us today for his first hike with the group!
Photo by Jim
Saturday, March 22
Black Diamond Trail
Hike report by Jim
Twenty-five hikers and eight dogs met on Houghton Rd for a very flat south-bound out and back hike of the Black Diamond Trail. This is hike # 58-4 on our list of regular hike locations: https://www.ithacahikers.com/hike-58.
Weather conditions were good; the threat of late morning rain never materialized. Lots of water flowing in the streams the trail passed over. There were a good number of other bikers, runner and dog walkers sharing the trail with us.
Warm welcome to Chris and his K9 hiking partner Moli on their first hike with the group!
Sixteen hikers and two dogs on leash met at the Shady Corners parking lot for a westward hike into Lower Treman. We stayed on the Finger Lakes Trail because we expected that the State Park trails were still closed. As usual for this steep hike (about 78 floors worth of elevation gain), the group spread out a bit, but people looked out for each other. The light snow that had fallen earlier that morning quickly melted in the bright sun, and the weather almost felt warm by the end.
Twenty-two hikers and one dog met at the Sims Jennings Preserve at Cayuga Cliffs in the Town of Lansing, for a hike of the trail system within the preserve. This is hike # 54 on our list of regular hike locations: https://www.ithacahikers.com/hike-54.
The weather was good; cool and sunny but otherwise a great hiking day which, I suspect, was partially responsible for the sizeable turn-out for a Wednesday hike. The group has only done one or two hikes here in the past, so it’s a relatively new location for many of our hikers.
The small parking lot filled up quickly; one reason I scheduled this location for a Wednesday hike. Late arriving hikers had to double park behind the cars of other hikers in the group. I’d like to remind everyone that we DO try to start our hikes on time; late arrivals only delay a prompt start to the hike for the remainder of the group.
Lines of sight across the open fields and through the bare trees gave the group a good view of the lake below as well as portions of the shoreline on the opposite side of the lake.
The group set off from the parking area after a quick group photo, taking the white blazed entrance trail to the intersection with the blue blazed Dannys Trail loop. That loop trail gives a good view of two different ravines that feed into the lake, as well as a long straight section of trail that allows hikers to admire the lake from afar. There is no lakeshore access from Sims Jennings, but with the springtime lack of foliage there are still some good views.
Trail conditions were generally good; it was cold enough at the start of the hike that the ground underfoot was semi-frozen, but by hikes end there were only a few short muddy areas along the trails.
Completing Dannys Loop our hikers paused for a short while at the small viewing area at the end of the white blazed trail before continuing on.
The yellow blazed trail runs southeasterly towards Fiddlers Ridge Rd from the white blazed entrance trail. Our group did an out-and-back hike on that section, during which we crossed over a couple of streams that had a good quantity of water flowing today. A red-blazed trail runs off the yellow blazed trail and loops around the perimeter of some open fields that take around thirty minutes to complete a loop of.
After the field loop the group took the yellow blazed trail back to the entrance trail and from there back to the parking lot.
Over the course of today’s hike we had the entire preserve to ourselves with the exception of one dog walker early in the hike.
Welcome to Kevin Y on his first hike with the group!
Photo by Jim
Saturday, March 16
The “Chunks” Hike, Stone House Rd., Enfield
Hike report by Jim
Thirty-five hikers and six dogs met on Stone House Rd in the Town of Enfield for a loop hike that stitched together the Margarets Woods trail, with parts of the Finger Lakes Trail, as well as the CCC and Rim Trails in upper Robert Treman State Park. This is hike # 56 on our list of regular hike locations https://www.ithacahikers.com/hike-56.
Today’s hike took place entirely on FLT map sheet M16. FLT map sheets may be purchased in paper or electronic formats at: https://fingerlakestrail.org/store/maps-and-gps/purchase-individual-maps/. Sale of the map sheets help to defray the on-going costs associated with FLT trail maintenance.
The morning was cool and breezy as the group arrived on Stone House Rd for the hike.
Hikers posed for a quick group photo, and we were soon on the Margarets Woods loop trail. Conditions on that loop were generally good, although there are a few muddy spots near the junction of the loop that could use some additional drainage work. The loop trail has clearly had more use since the first time the group hiked there when the footpath was brand new and not so obvious as it circles through the woods.
After completing the Margarets Woods loop, hikers crossed Stone House Rd and took the connector trail that links up with the FLT and the CCC trail. Part of this connector trail that cross the open fields will need additional trail work. Once on the FLT our group crossed the wooden bridge over Fishkill Creek. We climbed a short section of seasonal Butternut Creek Rd before returning to the woods where the FLT followed the ridgeline through the trees towards Thomas Rd. Trail conditions were good, and we encountered only a few trail runners and dog walkers on this section of the hike.
Entering the grounds of Robert Treman State Park the hikers took the FLT to the junction with the Rim Trail; from there our group hiked down into the upper park. Arriving at the upper park we did a short loop within the picnic area of the park, which offered the best view of the currently closed Gorge Trail. This area had the only remaining ice we encountered at any portion of today’s hike.
Walking to the Old Mill, we took the CCC Trail back to the junction of the FLT and the access trail to Stone House Rd that we had hiked earlier. This in turn took the group back to our cars.
For those hikers who are tracking their FLT miles to apply towards the 2025 FLT50 or FLT100 patches, today’s hike included .7 FLT miles
Welcome to Andrew H, Margaret, Frank R, Jennifer and Jordan on their first hike with the group!
Photo by Jim
Sunday, March 17
Finger Lakes Trail from Schuyler County Veterans Memorial Park, Alpine
This hike took place on the FLT entirely within map sheets M15 and M16. FLT map sheets are available in both paper and electronic formats at: https://fingerlakestrail.org/store/maps-and-gps/purchase-individual-maps/. Sale of the maps helps with on-going costs related to maintenance of the Finger Lakes Trail.
The day was overcast, and with the longer drive to today’s trailhead as well as the forecast of rain, we had a smaller group than on Saturday.
After the group photo the hikers set off into the woods, the first section of trail weaving through the forest, crossing one dry creek bed as it makes its way towards county route 6 and Gulf Rd. One of the small ponds we passed in this area had some remaining ice, but with the exception of one very small patch of trail ice in the Gulf, the footpath was entirely clear today.
Reaching County Route 6 it’s a short road walk across the bridge and down Gulf Rd before the trail veers away from the road into Hendershot Gulf. Here the trail follows the bank of Cayuta Creek. The portions of trail closest to the creek are in a quiet section of the creek. As the trail climbs the hillside to follow the creek from a higher vantage point, the creek becomes more active, flowing faster until we reach our turn-around point at the junction of several creeks very near the westerly end of the Van Lone Loop trail.
Reaching the turn-around point Leigh Ann took the lead on the return portion of the hike; everyone made it back to the cars without incident. During the return part of the hike I saw the first rain drops beginning to fall as we neared Gulf Rd, the drops appearing on the calm surface of Cayuta Creek.. By the time I had crossed the bridge on County Route 6 and re-entered the woods, there was a light rain that fell periodically for the remainder of the hike.
For anyone tracking their FLT miles for a 2025 FLT50 or FLT100 patch, today’s hike consisted of 5.4 FLT miles.
Seven hikers met on Lake Rd in the Town of Dryden for an icy and wet out-and-back hike of part of the Jim Schug Trail. This is hike #34-2 on our list of regular hike locations: https://www.ithacahikers.com/hike-34.
The trail conditions were very icy, although with recent warmer temps the ice is breaking up and turning slushy. Ice covering Dryden Lake and the ponds surrounding the trail are losing their ice cover as well, and the water in the various streams is flowing vigorously.
Rain fell throughout the hike and increased in intensity in the second hour of the hike.
Photo by Jim
Saturday, March 8
Roy H Park Preserve to Hammond Hill State Forest, Dryden
Temperatures were lower this morning, and a good amount of wind was blowing across the open spaces and through the treetops throughout the hike. A fresh layer of snow blanketed the trail, making it difficult in places to follow the course of the footpath except for the red discs on the trees.
The parking lot had a thick layer of ice under the fresh snow, and I should have taken that as a warning and been personally more prepared for conditions we found on the hillside. I failed to wear foot traction on the hike, and we found that much of the footpath on the hill was a layer of ice. The flat trail portions just beyond the wooden boardwalk were covered with a layer of crusty and uneven ice and made for a poor walking surface. Even the boardwalk was covered with a layer of ice that must have been the result of people walking along the boardwalk all winter.
It was a slow crawl up the hillside because of the ice, but everyone made it to Hammond Hill Rd, where we took the group photo. Some hikers opted to return to the parking area via a road walk instead of returning via the red-blazed trail, because of the icy conditions.
The majority of the group hiked into the yellow blazed Hammond Hill trail system for a few minutes before returning to the red blazed trail back to our cars.
If anyone in the group has any interest in leading future hikes, please make your interest known.
The day was good. In fact, it was what I had expected on Saturday when we had a much more ” wintery” hike from the Park Preserve towards Hammond Hill. On this hike there was very little ice; the only meaningful ice I saw on today’s hike was at one stream crossing and on the various ponds we hiked past. We actually hiked through a couple of muddy spots on the trail where springs were active. The day was mostly sunny; while the winds were a little chilly, they were much more enjoyable than what we had the previous day.
I noticed that since our last hike here there have been a few sizeable blow downs which have been cleared from the FLT footpath. Thanks to all volunteer trail maintainers and Cayuga Trails Clubs David Priester who continue to maintain our trails so well!
Arriving at the first pond on our route we noticed that the winter melt has put the pond into its usual overflow condition. The puncheons were a great help in getting through that area, although I chose a looping route around the worst of the flooding by using a drier deer path or two to get back on the FLT.
Once back into the woods the group broke down into a few subsets of hikers. Casey advised me that the fastest group made it as far as Newtown Road before turning around.
On the return portion of the hike, we took the blue blazed loop trail. Theres been some obvious recent beaver activity around the smaller pond on that loop, and with the lack of foliage and leaves there were some good lines of sight across the forest floor.
Towards the end of the hike we ran into CTC hikers Tom and Lucy who were out enjoying the same section of FLT.
For those hikers who might be applying our FLT miles towards a 2025 FLT50 or FLT100 patch, today’s hike included 3.4 FLT miles.
Thirteen hikers gathered on a sunny day with blue skies on Stevenson Rd in the Town of Dryden, where the Dryden Rail Trail crosses, for an out-and back very flat hike of a section of the Dryden Rail Trail and East Ithaca Rec Way.
This particular hike is not on our list of regular hike locations, although we have in the past met at this location to hike the Dryden Rail Trail in the opposite direction. The connection of the Dryden Rail Trail and East Ithaca Rec Way only officially opened a couple of years ago, but I hadn’t thought to have a group hike in that direction since the trails were officially connected.
After a quick photo the group crossed Stevenson Rd and walked the short section of Dryden Rail Trail to Game Farm Rd. This section of trail was actually quite icy, so the majority of hikers who hadn’t put on any form of foot traction had to pick their way along very carefully.
Crossing Game Farm Rd, we continued on the East Ithaca Rec Way, which was entirely ice and snow free. I believe that paved rec way not only gets plowed but salted in the winter.
While on the East Ithaca Rec Way we encountered a large assortment of dog walkers. This section of trail was quite popular, as the small parking lot at Game Farm Rd was full and cars lined both sides of the road in the area.
We walked the Rec Way, crossing over the former railroad bridge and walking the Rec Way along Pine Tree Rd. Turning onto Maple Avenue we walked a short distance where the East Ithaca Rec Way makes a southerly turn near Veterans Place. The group reached the street crossing on Mitchell Streety before turning around and re-tracing our route.
Warm welcome to Joe and Gill on their first hike with the group!
Photo by Jim
Saturday, March 1
Kennedy State Forest, Virgil
Hike report by Jim
Seven hikers braved some snowy conditions to meet on Daisy Hollow Rd for an out-and -back hike on the Finger Lakes Trail in James Kennedy State Forest.
Today’s hike took place entirely on either FLT map sheets M19 or for more trail detail, the “International Loop”. I know that the International Loop maps were recently updated in both content and nomenclature after the recent opening of the last couple of trail loops, but I haven’t had a chance to put the new maps I ordered into service yet. Either way, the FLT map sheets are available for purchase in paper or electronic formats at: https://fingerlakestrail.org/store/maps-and-gps/purchase-individual-maps/. Sale of the maps helps to defray the on-going costs associated with FLT trail maintenance.
The skies were overcast as I left Freeville this morning, and by the time I arrived on Daisy Hollow Rd, the snow was coming down steadily. We had been forecast to get ” flurries”, but this was a little heavier than that, and it persisted through most of the hike.
Trail conditions on the FLT and Swedish Loop were tolerable; a narrow strip of compacted snow, with a lot of old fragile snow on either side that had a thick crust that was as the lead hiker easily broken through and a little difficult if you strayed from the narrow strip of trail, which I seemed to do often. The yellow blazed Stockholm Trail that links the other two trails was a different experience, with no compacted snow to speak of and a whole lot of that crusty stuff that had to be slogged through. Throughout the hike the falling snow gave a uniform thin layer of new snow that makes hikes much more enjoyable visually.
We ran into a significant blow down across the trail early in the hike; see photo. Trail conditions report to the FLTC and Trail maintainer made post-hike.
Stream crossings went well. The water volume flowing in the streams was strong but not particularly deep. Along the way during one of the three stream crossings, I gave up trying to find most of the rocks at the stream crossings and just plunged across, my winter boots providing enough protection from the water in such shallow depths.
Other than the blow downs, we had a bit of a wildlife run-in on the Stockholm shortcut, when I practically ran into an ill/ injured raccoon that was on the footpath at the stream crossing. I notified State DEC of the animal’s location and also made a note about it in the trail register on the return leg of the hike.
For those attempting to acquire a 2025 FLT50 or FLT100 patch, I’ll admit that both of us who normally track the FLT miles on our hikes forgot to turn on our devices until well into the hike. I estimate from a quick post-hike map review that the group did around 3.5 FLT miles today.
Photos by Jim
Sunday, March 2
Monkey Run from Hanshaw Road
Hike report by Jim
Nine hikers and one dog met on a cold morning at the junction of Hanshaw and Lower Creek Rds in the Town of Dryden for a hike of the orange and red blazed portions of the Cayuga Trail system.
This hike took place entirely on the Cayuga Trail. Trail maps of the Cayuga Trail in both paper and digital formats are available for purchase from the FLTC at: https://fingerlakestrail.org/store/maps-and-gps/. Sale of the maps assists in defraying the costs of trail maintenance.
This was a variation on hike 5-1 from our regular hikes list: https://www.ithacahikers.com/hike-5. I say a variation, because while the morning was clear and sunny, there was a very cold wind blowing across the open fields along Hanshaw Rd that we would have been skirting for a good distance right around the middle of the hike. I hate cold windy field crossings, so we came up with a last-minute change to the hike route.
The hikers left the parking area and followed the red blazed trails through the trees, descending to water level as we hiked along the shores of Fall Creek. the creek was moving quite rapidly, the smaller ice chunks bobbing along in the current as larger sheets of ice lay thrown up against the shoreline in many places.
Leaving the creek behind us we climbed to the high bluffs via a switchback staircase. From the bluffs we switched to the orange blazed trail that took us past the Cornell pavilion. The hikers continued through the woods until we came to the first large field that we would have had to traverse in the high winds for a long distance.
Rather than subject the hikers to the wind, I opted to turn the group around and hike past the Cornell pavilion back to the red blazed entrance road. Once there we walked to the orange blazed trail section that included the new bridge built by the Cayuga Trail Club last summer. We took that section of trail to Route 13 before turning around and re-tracing our route back to our cars in the parking lot. We completed the hike several minutes early, but I believe that the woods hike was more enjoyable than being blasted by high winds in the open fields.
Nine hikers and one dog met on Burns Rd in the Town of Ithaca for a hike of the more easterly part of the South Hill Rec Way as well as the side trails in that area. This is hike #2-3 on our list of regular hike locations: https://www.ithacahikers.com/hike-2.
The day was cold but windless, unlike the previous day when I pre-hiked our route. The Rec Way surface was icy, but the side trails had a surface of crunchy snow only a few inches deep.
Our group had the trails to ourselves, even along the Rec Way where we saw a skier at the beginning of the hike but never again.
Photo by Jim
Saturday, February 22
Bock Harvey Forest Preserve and Riemen Woods, Enfield
Hike report by Jim
Approximately twenty-five people and three dogs met at the Bock Harvey Preserve for a hike of the FLT led by Mark S and/ or a return after a hiatus of a couple of years of our annual mid-winter cookout. I did not get from Mark a mileage total for the hike, so for any hikers today who are tracking your FLT miles for an FLT50 or FLT100 patch, you’ll have to guesstimate what your hike miles today consisted of.
A work party came in on Friday and walked a good supply of firewood to the lean-to from Dave B’s house; Dave had volunteered the use of his wood for the picnic event. Thank you Dave and the firewood worker bees for your assistance!
Roger B oversaw the lighting and maintenance of the fire at the lean-to while Mark led the hike. Cooking started as soon as the hikers returned to the lean-to from the hike and continued for around an hour until everyone had had their fill of food. Thanks to everyone who brought a food contribution to the cookout event!
Weather conditions were blue skies and sun. Temps were wintery and cool as could be expected. Trail conditions were generally good, with no recent snowfall and a solid base on the section I hiked in on.
Today’s events occurred on FLT map sheet M16. FLT map sheets are available for purchase in paper or electronic formats from the FLTC at: https://fingerlakestrail.org/…/purchase-individual-maps/. Sale of the map sheets helps to defray the on-going expenses related to trail maintenance.
Hike report by Mark Sussman
On Saturday, February 22, about 25 hikers and 3 dogs showed up for the winter cookout and hike. It was a perfect winter day – sunny with blue skies and mild temperatures. The hike was at the Bock-Harvey preserve which was covered in a nice layer of snow. Most of the snow, except for one leg, had been previously trampled down making the hiking fairly easy. There are some decent up and down hills on the hike to help warm people up. The woods are always lovely, and highlighted by a grove of large old-growth maples.
Some folks just came for the hike, and left early. Others came later, and were just there for the cookout. Most did both. The cookout had plenty of food, and was heavy on meats, but other items were also available.
Numbers of hikers helped by bringing in wood, starting the fire and cleaning up. Overall it was a success and thoroughly enjoyable.
Thirteen hikers and two dogs met on Level Green Rd in the Town of Caroline where the FLT crosses. The planned hike of the day was to hike west and south on the FLT towards Seventy-Six Rd. Due to snow accumulations on that section of trail I instead opted to have us hike east and north through Potato Hill State Forest towards Blackman Hill Rd. That section of the Finger Lakes Trail has been more recently hiked, with the snow compacted by hikers, skiers and snowshoers. This is out-and-back hike 29-1 on our list of regular hike locations: https://www.ithacahikers.com/hike-29.
The day was sunny and comfortable as we hiked through the woods. Trail conditions were generally good; while the snow on this trail section was somewhat compacted, it didn’t take long for us to struggle a little on the footpath as the compacted portion of snow was only a narrow strip that was easily deviated from. There were a few frozen sections of trail that we crossed over, and one stubbornly unfrozen pool of water near Level Green Rd. This section of trail is wet all year round, so it was not unexpected.
After crossing the two footbridges and before reaching the trail register, we crossed a snowmobile trail; I decided that it was a better option to hike on the much more compacted snowmobile trail than the FLT. The group hiked the snowmobile trail to Blackman Hill Rd and followed that trail downhill towards Tioga County until we reached our turnaround time.
We re-traced our route and re-entered the FLT, returning to Level Green Rd without incident.
Despite our abbreviated time on the FLT, I estimate that we still hiked around two miles on the FLT, for those who might be tracking their 2025 FLT miles in order to qualify for an FLT 50 or FLT 100 patch. More information on that program at: https://fingerlakestrail.org/whats…/hiking-programs/flt50/.